Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Grading bug
When I grade homework it goes directly to finished grade but I can only see my own grade on it... I don't get points or galleons.
Either I have got some homework that was already graded by assistant teachers or there is something else wrong.
Slow and glitchy
Hello hello, I've been experiencing a very slow and glitchy WoP. I don't know if its just me or not but its getting a tad bit annoying. I do have a strong internet connection and no other site of mine acts up. It takes a long time for the chat to pop back up and there is this glitch that when someone responds to an owl and they send it, it still says "responding to owl" when they are not. When I type, its a bit slower than it usually is to pop up on the screen.
Fehler in der Liste für magische Fähigkeiten
In der Liste finden zwei Fehler für das fünfte Jahr.
Stupefy müsste in den deutschen Begriff "Stupor" geändert werden.
Auch der Effekt von "Confringo" müsste ausgetauscht werden, da es sich hierbei um einen Sprengzauber und nicht um einen Brandzauber handelt.
In der Fähigkeitenliste heißt es, das Confringo ein Objekt in Flammen aufgehen lässt.
Der Zauber bewirkt allerdings eine Explosion oder Sprengung.
"Der Zauberspruch Confringo bewirkt eine wuchtige Explosion bzw. Sprengung, bei der die Bestandteile des getroffenen Objekts durch die Gegend fliegen."
Quelle: Harry Potter Wikia (Zauberspruch Confringo)
Profile pictures bug on US
I noticed on US that almost all the profile pics have not been shown up. This has been going on since yesterday and other people have noticed it. Can you please fix this?
^ How it is showing up
I miss that you can not edit their thread answers if you have possibly spelled wrong and something like that.
Send owls when fainted
Right now you can't make an owl if ur fainted and I think it's a big problem because it's more important to send owls than being in the chat. I think you should have the opportunity to still write a name in the new owl, so you still can send. For example it could be an important owl for the head of the house, that maybe can't wait or you don't have an hour to wait and it has to be done before going to bed...
How do I do the homework? It won't let me.....
please help me when I go to homework how do I do it?
drop down menu bug?
It would seem that when i go to check my notifications, when i have just one, clicking the circle to mark it as read does not mark it as read. It closes the drop down menu every time and i have to click mark all as read to get it to be marked as read. It's very confusing.
Clear cuddled pet notification
When another user has cuddled your pets you get a notification. But you can't clear that notification by clicking on the little circle without refreshing the site first. It works when you clear all I think, but sometimes you have other notifications you don't want to forget :D
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