Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
exams from previous years are not available anymore
Dear world of Potter,
now, it's exam week on woP NL and I have a idea for the exams. It can happen that a person makes a exam of a previous year. Now, my idea is that exams for the previous years are not available. That makes it easier to make the exams, because you can't click on a other exam. Of course, exams for which you have not passed or that you have not made can remain available.
Ps. Sorry for my bad English, i'm Dutch.
Delete function for mobile
I am unable to delete replies on my phone, for instance when its lagging behind, and I hit reply to topic, it sends more than I meant to and I cannot find a way (that's obvious) to delete the extra.
Only management and prefects can delete posts, so if you want to delete something, please message the management of your site (:
Delete account
How do i delete my account? I love HP but this is confusing and its not for me.
Hi Meg,
You can send this request to the Minister of Magic of the particular WoP site you are on. They will be able to help you further!
Kind regards,
Lvl 2 requirement to chat
There are very often trolls joining the chat. There are no automatic censors and sometimes it takes a while for someone with power to delete the messages. A lot of the time, the trolls keep trolling for quite a few minutes.
Therefore I think it would be a good idea to add a level 2 requirement to chat. The downside to this, of course, is that new players wont be able to ask questions the second they have one before they're lvl 2.
I do think this would be a good way to prevent trolls though.
We can see that trolls are a big problem on some sites, but for that we have the troll mode which makes it impossible for trolls (or rather the new users in general) to use the chat, open topics or write on walls etc.
Ban new users from the chat would make it a lot harder for them to figure out how the sites work since they are not able to ask questions and could easily feel left out. So at the moment we consider this idea as not possible, sorry.
After school projects/activities
Can we allow after school projects/activities? Just for something to do after you've done your class and completely assignments and home work?
US month bug that has skipped a month ahead twice
This is quite annoying as it screws up people's topic plans and birthdays! It is currenly January week 5 when it's supposed to be December week 4.
Can't change my Characters Age
I wanted to change my Characters Year + Age, but I always get an Error when I press "Go to payment"
Oh no. Something went wrong, but we have been notified. If you are testing, tell us your eventID: 3e39d4572315408ca797e022a16ed956
WorldofMysticfalls.de Mysticfalls ger
you about
mystic falls. As
you may
big, but
German fans
aren't so
English and
therefore can't
really get
involved on
Mystic Falls. com. In
addition, many
people therefore go
ofline again.
suggestion would
German Mystic
Notification for feedback wont go away
On the danish WoP when I update the site my notification comes back for one graded homework. I have marked it as read more than 10 times and it still keeps coming back when I go around on the site!
RL Age
This used to be a thing, but it was removed and I miss it. On the general info part on the profile, it used to say your irl age, and I miss that. I want to be able to know how old my friends are irl without having to ask them AGAIN because I forgot what it was. Plus I don't want to find out my character's dating someone who's 60 years old irl (he might still be a very nice guy and all, but personally I like to stick to people my own age irl)
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