
VIP not ad free?

dracoenator 7 years ago updated by Vita Auden 7 years ago 9

I'm seeing ads even though I was charged the VIP fee. (on worldofwalkers)

If you haven't already, I'd also take this up to the Minister of Magic equivalent.

But did you buy VIP or get VIP because adds only disappear if you buy it...

It was a re-occuring payment that had gone through and a nasty surprise. I don't think I've gotten any extra for not logging in. I paid but I didn't log back in that month


Date of purchaseDate of expirationPackagePrice
13-07-1828-07-18Monthly VIP€5.99
28-05-1828-06-18Monthly VIP€5.99

I was charged 5,99 on July 16th

Yeah but you did not pay for the last period?

I was CHARGED AGAIN even when I have cancelled!!!!


Date of purchaseDate of expirationPackagePrice
28-08-1828-08-18Monthly VIP€5.99Cancelled



Date of purchaseDate of expirationPackagePrice
12-08-1828-08-18Monthly VIP€5.99
13-07-1828-07-18Monthly VIP€5.99
28-05-1828-06-18Monthly VIP€5.99

Contact the leader of the site

Never got a reply to my email either and I don't feel like getting a new credit card because of this problem. 


I meant the leader as the person in dark green, who could take it further