Your comments

Yeah, I see the same issues. No sites really do this other than Google, but the way they do it is also being only logged in one at a time.

yes, that is what I am saying. If someone sends them a request.

The reason why the clubs are priced is due to the fact that clubs will be abandoned quickly and just would be created on a whim. It was like that when it got implemented, so €1 isn't bad in comparison to how clutered it would be and how many will just be inactive.

I have VIP and I never use the relation things for actual relations, because they are way too vague. I use my profile for these types of thing, because I can actually write something more than just best friends and enemies.

Non VIP can still have relations, if someone sends a request.

This just feels like a popularity context. It has to be a person that is able to work well with the MoM to make sure that the site gets the attention it needs. Sometimes the most popular is not the best person for the job.

A lot of people don't use the relation section seriously and choose to have a section on their profile instead to explain it more, because the relations aren't specific enough and that would be hard to implement too.

VIP supports the site and the costs of having the servers running. There needs to be rewards for the people who decides to support the site, so the relation tab is there for that.

Mention it to the MoM of your site, because it is very site specific

i get the idea, but the Hermione thing was a failed polyjuice potion

If you have a touchpad, you can lightly slide on it to move it up or down. With a mouse you will have a scrollwheel and on phone it is like with the trackpad.