Your comments


Wallposts and comments

Quidditch is the sport of the wizarding world and we already have flying as a subject.

Also, Music was a subject in the books, but more as a choir. This Flitwick was in charge of.

How do you imagine that this would work?

You can do this by writing an owl to the MoM, HM, management, HoH and CE

The problem with this is that there are more people with the same first name most of the time and that would just be redundant. You can however just press ctrl/cmd+f to be able to search for your name in the topic.

A wonderful suggestion! Trolls really don't want to wait on an email before it is they are joining the site, which I agree will limit it.

You can just RP that you have the job that it is you want. You don't need a job or a status for that, so just write whatever it is you want in your profile and then RP in the World Outside.

I totally agree with this ^^

You could also apply to the SoMe team.
It is your ideas that is taken into account there.