Your comments

There is a beginner's guide

That is something to figure out yourself on the Marauder's Map

That just seems like spam. Also this is kind of what the homepage is for, if you write on your own wall. All your friends can see it.

That just makes it so they can't have a site wide job.

It is not because the site is transphobic, but mainly because it is feature based and they will have to look into different ways of fixing it.

World of Potter made a comment on this post, which explains it:

The reason people say that you can put it in your profile text is due to it being the only way to say it currently. I completely get the frustration and I am sure the site leaders are finding it important to do something about it in the near future.

You know... "Delete" and "Remove" is the same, right?

This is very site specific to one site of the WoX, so this should be taken to the leader of the site instead of here. If this had been a Harry Potter thing for WoP, then it would most likely have a place here.

It is supposed to be figured out yourself.

They can still do what I say by going into the books, which has something to do with what it is about.

It might be due to the site's time being messed up, so it can't update. It happens once in a while.