Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Grading tracker on mobile

The Weird One 4 years ago 0

So, we have the little number now to show us how many assignments there are to be graded - this is super helpful and all :D but it's only on computer!

Could it possibly be added to mobile as well? I'd imagine it wouldn't take too long, and it's kind of inconvenient how I still need to go through all the different links and buttons just to see there's nothing to grade.

Many thanks!


Feed All (Specialty Items)

ajax 4 years ago 0


I really appreciate the (not-so-new) feed all function but it only seems to work with universal pet food. I'm not sure if it is an issue on my end but it has been happening on more than one site for me. I think it would be great if there was an option to use the "feed all" option on other foods that are limited to certain pets rather than just universal pet food. I acknowledge that this might be troublesome as some people might have different pet types and that "feeding all" would likely make them sick. However, I was hoping that this either this feature can filter by pet type or warn people that they should proceed with caution with this feature if they have any other pets.

Thank you for reading!



Scarlett Turpin 4 years ago updated by anonymous 2 years ago 1

Most of us choose a Patronus for our character, wrote it in the profile text, in the background story, or even both. Almost everyone has it listed, and be it only with "unknown".

In the settings you can choose anything. Gender, birthday, even hair color. Why not the patronus as well? You could show it not only in the table of the profile, like the other things. You could give a few animals to choose from, just like with the wands, and add a little text and a picture. I'm sure the site illustrators would come up with some great stuff for it!


Justify in writing field

LynnBlack 4 years ago 0

I think it would be much more comfortable for justified-text lovers if we could have that option in the writing field (like owls or when you are starting a topic)


Topic Response Notification Bug

SemillonIvaNova 4 years ago 0 1 duplicate

When one's friend creates a topic, the notification sits on your feed, alright, so far, that notification, is fine, and I really like that feature! But a problem with the response notification that appears in your notification dropdown, (or pop-up, on mobile) often only ever shows the wrong name of a user who responded. Here is a list of events, names edited, that represents a similar and accurate picture of what this looks like for us.

  1. User Feed Post) USER A has created a new topic "Dancing in the Reeds"
  2. USER B Responds to the starter of the topic
  3. USER A's Notif) USER B just replied to the topic "Dancing in the Reeds"
  4. USER C Responds to topic
  5. User Name's Notif) USER C just replied to the topic "Dancing in the Reeds"
  6. USER A's Notif) USER B just replied to the topic "Dancing in the Reeds"
  7. USER A responds to the topic
  8. USER C's Notif) USER A just replied to the . . .
  9. USER B's Notif) USER C just replied to the . . .

This is very confusing sometimes, especially when in a topic with more than 4 people, such as house topics, team topics, and especially with those who have student jobs who use the forum as a way of communicating officially with the rest of their site team. Please find a way to fix this bug for good, as it has been there as long as I can remember.



Minimum paragraphs/lines per topic reply

litleocub 5 years ago updated by not me 5 years ago 2

Some topic replies are only about 1 or 2 sentences long, and we should update the guidelines or rules so replying to an RP topic would require them to be a minimum of 1 paragraph or at least 3 sentences long. Too short replies make the RP topic:

a) boring, since nothing is happening in those 1 or 2 sentences. Most of the time, it's just dialogue. EX: "Sure," she shrugged.

b) unable to progress. Social interactions between those replying is necessary for progression. Progression being the start of a new friendship between two characters, or a problem arises for them, or even something as plain as someone tripping. Progression is what makes the topic interesting, and this also supports point (a).

Giving a minimum for replying would also help other people practice their writing, so they can get used to writing more events with better grammar, punctuation, or even their choice of words.


Exchange unwanted items for galleons

ruchicuppy 5 years ago 0

I've noticed that over time we tend to accumulate a lot of items either through card prizes, point prizes or items we have to buy for the new school year. Now I feel it just goes to waste if we throw them away as we did spend money on them. Is it possible to return/exchange them for say 30-40% of the price that we purchased them for? So that we have the chance to purchase new items or even wizard cards.


New User Symbol

not me 5 years ago updated by Adalynn Greenwood 5 years ago 1

Just like how people get a birthday symbol on their birthday, I think new users should get a symbol by their name for the first week. It would make others be more welcome to them on the site as they settled in.

Thats all :D


Unable to Comment on Character Changes

Alexander H. 5 years ago 0

Image 386

When somebody changes their character in some way, it shows the "Comments (0)", even though when you click on it, it does nothing at all and you can't comment on the wall post.

Either add in the ability to comment on character changes, or just remove the useless text completely, because it can be a little confusing xD


~Ability to see who is typing in chat~

not me 5 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 14

Hello WoXers!

I think it would be nice to see who is typing in chat, just like on any other chat thingy. I think this could be an option if you wanted it or not and maybe it only worked on PC cuz Mobile might be a bit confusing. Knowing who is typing could make sure people don't step over each other in chat... lemme give a scenario.

If we could see who is typing:


Penelope Dawn-
a librarian spots this in chat and she is about to give Ronald a reminder. But then she notices that it says "Corey Sandberg" (a teacher) is typing and knows not to step in due to chat hierarchy.

Unlike now how:


Penelope Dawn: Hey there Ronald! Please watch the caps, the limit is 5 word ^-^

Corey Sandberg: Please remember that the caps limit is 5 words <3

Devin Gold: Watch the caps!

Forrest Lion: Caps! Make sure you don't go over the limit!

This can make users feel overwhelmed, so I'm just throwing this out as an idea!

Thanks :D
