Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Like button for your status
I would love to have a like button on a status. Instead of always having to react to peoples statusses. But if you could like it, then they know you have red it!
It would be super handy.
Art Class
We could end up having an art class. I have talked to numerous students and they all agree. It would be fun to do, and easy to start an RP, to do homework, and make new artist friends! Artist could even attach pieces of art to the homework for other students/teachers to view!
Buttons on forums to go to first and last page
When there are a lot of posts in a topic it is more difficult to go fast to the first or last page. Maybe make two buttons extra, one for going to the first page and one for the last.
More RPG area ideas
Being Able to RP in shops such as;
- Ollivanders - where you can RP your wand chosing you
- Flourish and Blotts
- Borgin and Burkes - where you could RP and eventful experience in the shop of dark magic!
- Eyelops Owl Emporium / Magical Menagerie - a place to RP finding your lifelong animal friend
You could reach these areas through a button similar to Gringotts button taking you to forum
Hmm wouldn't the Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade forums be enough for this? Like the general forums? You could put the name of that shop in your location description :)
NPC player from plot team
the idea is that while we are encouraged to RP ourselves and use NPC's as minor supporting roles i think it would be a cool idea if some people wher assigned to be an NPC player, this means that whenever you want a topic with NPC's you actually could use them instead of them doing what you want them to do. this for both plot topicd and regular topics where people can send an owl to one of those players.in case of the regular topics he would get some instructions or pre-meditated rolls (like house-elfs. usehalf a dozen names to change things up but to stay consitent aswell) and during th plot topics they could play (with the 2 most recent being the spring fair and the muggle) they could play those characters so the people could actually interact with them. they arent there to be used all the time but people can request them to play or in plot topics they are encouraged to play as said char
The Muggle World
I think there should be a place where everybody can RP outside Hogwarts and the magical world. I mean, it's fun to RP in Hogwarts and Diagon Alley and such, but I think people would love to RP outside of just that. And only the graduates are allowed to do so in The World Outside. So why wouldn't we make one where everybody can do that? We can call it 'The Muggle World'. It can be a place where Halfbloods teach their Fullbloods friends more about the Muggles for example.
holiday RP
a place were you can RP your holidays simmilair to the world outside but only for the holidays
Some of us want higher grading standards, others like the one we have, why not have both? In the wizard world there are OWLs and NEWTs. Why not keep the current system as the OWL grading system, and have an advanced grading system known as NEWT. The player can opt which grading guidline to go by, that way people who want to learn to write better can opt to be graded with a higher level of scrutiny constructive critism, and those who have trouble with writing, but still want to enjoy the world can do so.. Though this does seem a little moot, it doesn't have to be programmed in, just the rules updated. With how easy it is to get an Outstanding, it doesn't really feel like hard work is rewarded, when the bare minimum reaps the exact same reward.
Potion Notes As An Item
I love the concept of brewing/potions, however I see a lot of initial interest dying off when its so difficult to brew potions, get recipes, and even just obtain potion notes.
You can get notes if you spin the wheel - Maybe! And not very many, very often. You can get one if you find the crown floating around, but that's still not many at any one time. And you can purchase some, just like you can purchase chocolate frog cards. But there's no actual item for potion notes on site.
I think it could be great if potion notes were an 'item', in the same way chocolate frog cards are, before they're opened. Personally, I think it could be a great gift for a HoH to gift for point milestones, and could help get more people into the brewing system.
I don't see this as being counter to the idea that some can be purchased with real money - I actually feel like it can factor into it. Chocolate frog opening and collecting is easy to get into right away, but brewing sometimes feels like there's some barriers to entry, especially when someone is new to the site and doesn't have much money to spin the wheel, or be able to afford a bunch of cauldrons to blow up. If we offer a few more chances to get notes, it could allow folks to get into brewing earlier, and highlight it as a fun function of the site!
Chat rules breaking prevention
So basically, it'll prevent people from breaking chat rules, especially spamming.
It can be like: "You broke a rule. We won't allow rule breaking here." Or something like that.
We can also prevent trolls from spamming chat too! :D
I hope you can implement this idea into chat. It'll be so cool.
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