Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
this game is slow. we need more things to do in between classes. this is so boring i am going to hit my head on my computer.
Hogwarts does have a class that works with numbers, but its not math. shouldn't students be able to learn basic math?
Topic Photos
The ability to enter a photo into topics. This would increase topic participation, because it shows what the room looks like. Especially for the room of requirement. This would be a lot of fun and add a new level to topicing.
If you are VIP, then you can put in a photo, when you are making the topic, but in later replies, then you can just use the picture code: <img src="URL TO THE PICTURE" />
Sorcery and Magic without wands
I can teach you how to use magic without the use of needless wands.
Please put your creativity in the RPG posts on your site, there it is very much welcomed (: And maybe you can even learn wandless magic in your years ar Hogwarts.
/can we change the color of the librarian?I don't like carrots Eh
change thecolor of librarians
We can just agree to what the other persons have already said. If you don't like the colour of the librarians, you don't have to become one. The colour can be seen very well and makes it easy to identify the librarians among other users.
Wizengamot Job
A Job in the MoM for graduated students. Witches and Wizards alike can now get 3 warnings for their behaviour, if they have 3 warnings, the Wizengamot will decide what to do with the accused.
Chat timeouts, temporary bans, permanent bans etcetera.
Could you please send me instructions for the website and to get aruond and do stuff
You can find all the rules and guides about WoP by clicking on your profile picture (upper right corner) and going to the "Rules" or "Guides" tabs. Everything is explained there, and if you still have questions, feel free to ask them in a chat or to owl another student.
WorldOfPotter para el bolsillo
Hola Magos y magas. Escribo este topic porqueme gustaria dar la idea de que WorldOfPotter tendria que lanzar su propia App y tener la edicion para bolsillo, seria mucho mas comodo para todos.
I'm not sure you have commented in the right area for what you have posted.
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