Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Paswords for enter to the different houses

Daniel Sánchez 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 5

With new passwords each week (month) and the password are writted by the Houses. Any persson what knows the password of the other houses are banned or kicked 1 day or more. It's a simplebut interesting idea? THks


History of Witches and wizzards

Blanca van Lohuizen 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 3

It would be nice if there was another subject/class about history of magic people.

This would only go for the witches and wizards.

Image 71

How were they created? When? And why?

What happend with witches and wizzard trough time? Example the hunt on witches and wizzards trough 1480-1700.

Image 72

Just one year of studie than we can learn all about why and how we are today.

Image 73

This classes only takes one year to follow. After that you pass your exames at the end of the year, you do not need to worry at all anymore.

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This could be givin in year 1 or 2 or 3. The person it self can choose when he or she will follow it. The lesson(classes) are for all years the same.

Like any other class. There would be 10 lessons and one exame. The lessons can be created by the professors or by the ministerie of magic( creators of WoP).

The whole point of this class is for the students to have a idea of what they are and how we got where we are. It would be good for the students to know this and have a little self-understanding.  


Ab dem 7. Schuljahr sollte man richtige dunkle Magie lernen können

lionwigger 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 2

Es wäre doch nicht schlecht, wenn man nach dem 7. Schuljahr quasi zur "bösen" Seiter übergehen könnte. Mir kam das gerade nur so in den Sinn :D


Uniting World of Potter Players.

crazyjonda 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

Having 2 or 3 different servers for a website with low traffic like this, is a suicide.

As a marketing agent having worked with huge online games such as oGame and Tribal Wars, I'd like to propose something way better.

Why not implementing Different Schools in the same WoP server? Keep Hogwarts being the UK/English school, then add another one (Say Durmstrang, say anything else) for German speakers, but maintaining the same organisation as Hogwarts, and then do the same for the south of Europe (Beauxbatons?), having a school where Spanish and French post could be allowed.

Then, implement ways for the students to be able to visit and interact fluently with other schools, keeping it all together, uniting the flow of visitors in the same page, but diverting the language choices.


Different schools for different sites

Alex, Arrow, Nathaniel, Lukas 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 8 years ago 2

Have the US site based around Ilvermorny, the UK one (if it happens) based around Hogwarts, the Dutch one perhaps based around Durmstrang, the EU one based around Beauxbatons, and so on... I understand that this could be difficult as not much is widely known about all these different schools, but if we have found out enough about Hogwarts to create an entire game, then surely by digging deep enough we can find out enough about these other schools, and I am sure the people who currently use these sites are creative enough to fill in the gaps for, say, the Durmstrang equivalent of Diagon Alley, etc.

Perhaps if having the schools based around the geographical location of the URL is too difficult, we could have options when you enter the site for which school you want to attend, and have a giant chat group for everyone there, or something like that. This idea is of course up to adaptation, as are all others, it was just something that was discussed with the opening of the US site, as to whether the US site would be established as Hogwarts or Ilvermorny, and now that we have the chance to discuss the possibilities with higher ranking people, it could be a good opportunity to bring it up.

World of Potter 8 years ago

The problem is that we don't know enough about the other schools/geographic placement, to be able to make a whole univsers.

Hogwarts/diagon-alley/hogsmeade/UK is what the 7 books are about. Yes, we do hear about Bauxbatons and Durmstrang, but not nearly enough to be able make an immersive universe.


Remind people to use paragraphs in homework

Jada Nightflame 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

Recently, I came across a piece of homework with 890 words, and it was all written as 1 big paragraph. The student didn't ever start on a new line.

So I was thinking, it would be great if we could remind people to write their homework in paragraphs. When you're tired or just not feeling well, it's really hard to focus on one big block of text which doesn't even give the reader and breathing space.

Perhaps a word limit per paragraph - 250 words? After 250 words, they have to add a new paragraph. It would make grading so much easier as right now, there are certain homework pieces that I just give up on. I wait for an hour and then see if there's something else to grade.

This way, both the grader and the homework maker have to wait... not an ideal situation.

World of Potter 7 years ago

You could mention this in the feedback when grading the user's homework. This way they will remember it for their next homework (:


Point ranking for the whole site

Squirrel Jo 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 3

An option to see the 50 users with the most points within all houses. Because there also is a price for the best point-earner of the whole site, not from each house !


Use this, not banned

Terence Scaleshifter 11 months ago 0

My idea is that instead of saying 'banned user'it should say 'expelled student'


Gifs in chat

Zayna Z 12 months ago updated by Vita Auden 11 months ago 1

it would be cool if you could have gifts in chat. Maybe a VIP thing or something..



Ava Wolfe 2 years ago updated by Gabriel Nightmare 2 years ago 1

I believe that there should be a function so that you can block people so you don't get messages or see anything they say,