Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Trading money
To be able to send people money, I know this could end up being used with alts and all; but maybe put it so you have to have both users active? Which could possibly make a barrier for alts not a very strong one but I think it would be helpful.
How to fix underage drinking
the site should fix it to where you can't buy it until you're 13 That way it would prohibit underage drinking
Pets sex
Wäre es nicht toll, wenn man sich aussuchen könnte, welchhes Geschlecht das Haustier haben soll?
Gerade wenn man sich eine Geschichte dazu überlegt hat, sollte das selbst wählbar sein.
I'm pretty sure if you have a VIP you can choose your pet's gender, also you can easily change your pet's gender by paying a bit of irl money (on WoP UK I'm pretty sure it's only around £0.99)
Make the house job have their own color
Like the house job for Slytherin can have their house color on the person who has the job.
Böse/Bad NPCs
ich finde es schade, dass man gar keine "bösen" zur Verfügung hat, mit denen man eine spannende Geschichte aufbauen kann. Die Lehrer sind alles "Spieler" die man - verständlicher Weise - nicht "gebrauchen" soll. Und die beiden einzigen NPCs scheinen "lieb" - wo bleibt da die Möglichkeit, dass irgendein "Fiesling" die Spieler zur Rechenschaft für Streiche zieht? Man kann quasi keine Geschichte schreiben bei der Handlungen Konsequenzen haben ohne einen andere RL Person zu bitten diesen Part zu übernehmen .. . Es fehlt der Böse Hausmeister, oder die nörgelnde Sittenwächterin, der Übellaunige Jagdhüter, die ständig verstimmte Oberköchin die Hauselfen und Schüler ärgert, etc. man hat keinen Snape, der Slytherin Bully, etc. Es ist die Friede-Freue-Eierkuchen Schule .. . oder übersehe ich etwas?
Für „spannende“ Geschichten fehlt der böse Kontrahent – wenn man nicht so viele NPCs erfinden soll …
Best Wishes Will
Be able to create another account under the same email.
I do not like making 5 other e-mail accounts for alts, I would like to be able to make more accounts under ONE e-mail.
jobs in school or outside for students to earn galleons
i was wondering why not have students be allowed to work jobs and earn galleons (not like 5 or smtg cuz thats slow) they can work as student assistants during school and earn money or work outside for the day and thats considered the class im asking this because it is actually very hard to earn galleons and at my irl school we actually can work as an assistant or outside and wee get a check at the end of the week depending on how many days we work and how long outside work is an all day thing but in school you have the ability to work a few periods or all day please consider this it can also be more game features to play instead of the one a day ones only this also helps for people who dont have time to be on all day like irl students i really hope you consider something like this because it can be frustrating to lvl up and earn galleons
Students can apply for jobs, such as Prefect, Assistant Teacher, Librarian, SoMe Team, Backstory Team, Journalist and Plot Team, as well as all cluster teams. You get paid for all of the site jobs at the end of the week.
Make it feel a little more welcome for newer users who struggle socially?
I've just recently joined, and as nice as it is, it's extremely overwhelming. Yes, I've had one or two people contact me, but other from that I feel really disconnected from everything. I'm not sure what to do and I've only just signed up for one class.
It would be nice if there were something put in place to guide a new user through everything, but I understand you're probably trying your best, so feel free to ignore this.
Trade Galleon, Sickle and knuts
Good morning
I see in the game that we can win Galleon, Sickle and Knut. Also, I propose to trade money of the game ( for exemple Galleon for Knuts, or Sickle for Galleon...) e I think it would make it a lot easier to buy supplies for school and for drinking and feeding us.
I wish you a good day
kind regards.
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