Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


A little game where we can see eachother from chat.

Grey 2 years ago 0

It would be 2D or som of our characters, so you can equip clothes and others see it.


Character maker

Shroom Blossom 2 years ago updated by hawley 2 years ago 1

Hi! I think that for wox sites you should be able to great or customize a visual human and maybe put it on your profile. I would be happy to help with making so accessories and hair. :)



BlueStar 2 years ago 0

more FOOD!!


Give Money to Others

aimee jin 3 years ago updated by World of Potter 3 years ago 3

I think you should be able to give money to others as a reward.

World of Potter 3 years ago

+ WoP/WoX creators have already said they will not allow exchanging galleons/money since that would allow for a lot of people to create characters and never use them, only funneling money to a single account


No hidden topics on marauders map

WoPideasblahblah 3 years ago updated by Vita Auden 3 years ago 1

It would be lovely if topics in your dorm(room) and the whole world wasn't hidden on the marauders map. one of the fun things about having a topic is that people can see that you are in that topic and gets curious. They don't have to be able to go into the topic, if they are not from that house, but I just want it to not be hidden.


Dragon Species?

brynnabouch 3 years ago updated by Vita Auden 3 years ago 1

Creating your own character avatar

cassiepinson8 3 years ago 0

club leaders switching

Adria 3 years ago updated by World of Potter 3 years ago 3

this sounds weird but I'm saying if they haven't been on in an insane amount of time. Im only in one club that accepts all so this feature might be in there but I've applied to two clubs and both the people who I'm supposed to message about the club haven't logged in, in about a year or so. maybe after a set amount of time it goes to the user who tends to be the most active or is the highest rank in the club? again I'm only in one club that is open to everyone so I might be wrong about a lot of things on how they work so let me know!


Change Animagus from status to quest(As invisibility cloak was changed)

WoPideasblahblah 3 years ago updated by World of Potter 3 years ago 16

As Animagus is something you can train to become, if you are extremely talented, it could be great if it wasn't put in the same category as "abilities you are born with or changed to" as werewolf, veela and metamorphmagus is.

It could instead be a VERY DIFFICULT quest, as the unicorn one in the forbidden forrest. You need to fulfill a wide range of requirements to get it, so that not everyone can have it. These could be:
- You need to be on your 5. year or higher
- You should be level 100
- You need to brew a special potion

- You get the quest if you have 20 topic answers in "the ministry of magic" forum (and the before mentioned requirements fulfilled)
- You will need to click on a mandrake leaf that you have in your chest or in pets (if that will make it easier to code?) for 1 or 2 weeks 3 times a day. 

And if you miss one of these clicks on the leaf you will have lost the leaf from your mouth and lost the quest - you will also not be able to get the quest again, as it is with the unicorn/Jobberknoll quest.

With this way, everyone has a chance, as everyone has a chance in the harry potter books if they train enough, but it will be difficult and since you only have 1 try not everyone will be an animagus, so it will not be a "everyone can do that now" kind of thing. Only a few will be it and they will only be it because they have out in a lot of effort and time.


Stasis Button

Kirxzo Soiong 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 4

make a stasis button for age but make it cheaper than changing your age and make it so you only are in stasis for a maximum of 5-10 in-game years!