
Trading money

Tigra 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 2

To be able to send people money, I know this could end up being used with alts and all; but maybe put it so you have to have both users active? Which could possibly make a barrier for alts not a very strong one but I think it would be helpful.

A lot of people with alts just use incognito tabs in order to be online at the same time. Also this has been declined quite a few times.


I'm sorry to decline this again, but the alts you mentioned are the reason why we won't make this happen. People would abuse this function by creating a lot of alts, playing them for a few days and then transferring all their money to the main account. 

If you want to use the money for some specific item, why don't you buy the item with the character that has the money and then sent the item as a gift?