Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


I request that axolotls be added into the game as a pet option! I love those little guys and I have one IRL

Calix Albino 2 years ago updated by asher brooks 2 years ago 1

Please add axolotls as a pet option, they are so cute! 


Skip grading button adding

Julia Shurley 2 years ago updated by Marylin Collester 2 years ago 1

So I thought of something like this after today when working on one of my alternate accounts. As I'm working as an AT, I signed onto my not AT account and the homework that came up was my own. As we can't grade our own, that account is stuck waiting until the timer runs out. What if a button was added to skip so then someone can avoid grading their alts. Now this next piece is a complete just idea. What if it asked about it being your alt and asking for all other alts to prevent you from seeing them in the bin?


Make a Kotlc WoX

Gracie 2 years ago updated by Vita Auden 2 years ago 3

Love Potion (Orange Solution WoMH) broken

Calypso Rebelke 2 years ago updated by Didi 2 years ago 3

Heya! Calypso Rebelke of WoMH here!

For the past while, and more frequently since brewing potions was introduced on-site, the Love Potion (Orange Solution) has been broken. Even after you have been gifted it, all you get is the thinking/loading dropdown until you reload the page, and it is still in your inventory:

Image 444

It would be great if this could please be fixed! A lot of people are brewing this potion but can't use it due to the bug D:


Leave a course

asher brooks 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

Being able to leave a course so you don't have to grade the homework for it anymore. 


Fainted Timer Ran Out - Stuck

BStarry 3 years ago 0

My character fainted so I waited for the timer to count down to zero (which it did) and then press the 'sign release form' button. But I think the website freaked out because now the timer is stuck on 00:00 and I can't do anything.

Is there anything I can do about this?


Relationship list like friend list

WoPideasblahblah 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 1


Instead of having the list of relationships on your wall/profile, it could be nice to have it under af tab of it's own, like the friendlist. Maybe have it a mix of relationship list and the members list on clubs, where you can write yourself what "rang" they are. So it could be that you could name the relationship yourself and send a "you confirm this?" to the person that the relationship is with, just as it is now. I know a lot of people find it hell to keep updating their profile to add new relationships to it. It would be easier if it was just implemented on the site :D


List of Prefects for roleplay areas

Daisy Elieawyn 3 years ago updated by World of Potter 3 years ago 3

The Prefects are assigned specific roleplay areas to keep track of. I believe it would be beneficial if the Prefects assigned for an area is showcased, like how you can see the ATs for a class. It would make things easier when you need to owl a Prefect about a specific topic or area, as opposed to owling the first Prefect you see, and having them redirect it to the Prefect assigned to the area.

World of Potter 3 years ago

These are constantly changing though, and so would be more complicated
Also, it's worth noting that the ATs are only put there because of the fact that it uses their job - Prefects' locations are given manually and are not a site feature, this would mean the lead has to put their names there manually (with ATs it's just one hire and you're done)


Overview/Explainer for online statuses

Marylin Collester 3 years ago updated by World of Potter 3 years ago 2

The Map has an overview of what the different job colors mean. For new users, it could be helpful if the Map had the same feature, but just for the different online statuses.

Addtionally, it would be neat with a tutorial on how to enabled the different statuses.

World of Potter 3 years ago

This kind of information should be included in the rules and guidelines part of the site. As soon as you fulfill the requirements to get the online statuses you get an automatic explanation on how to enable it with it.


To be able to reply to peoples comments in the chat or on wallposts

Ameliana 3 years ago updated by Vita Auden 3 years ago 8

DEscription in topic