Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.



sertrippity 6 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 6 years ago 2

I can't seem to reach the site? I just get the "you can't be here!" sign for everything, and a login option, but I can't login or make a new account. literally everything is locked off for me.


Revalue the Outstanding Grade.

jethroasmuts 6 years ago updated by Ellie Bodaur 6 years ago 2

For a while now I've disagreed with the grading system as a whole--in terms of the guidelines and what's expected. This is because I believe that in order for anyone to improve they need a little tough love. Though, I get why you've developed the system as is and thus won't be willing to change it utterly.

I simply suggest that Outstanding only need to be rewarded for those who truly put in the effort--and I know someone is going to mention that what I consider effort is subjective, but we all know that isn't true. We all have a basic view of effort--and we all know what it looks like.

Exceeds Expectations should be given to those we meet all the requirements for the homework assignment--while Outstanding should be given to those who obviously go above and beyond the call of the assignment to make something as impressive as possible.


chat not working on my chrombook

socooirafa12345 6 years ago updated by Bella Brono 6 years ago 3

the website stops loading and i can not chat


You can't be here

Leonus Lee 6 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 6 years ago 2

I can't even access the account at all, I was on it yesterday with no problem, now I am not even logged in and it gives the "You can't be here" message. What is wrong? Is it just WoP right now, or is it something that is being done? (Btw the url that shows up is: https://worldofpotter.eu/unauthorized?redirect=https://worldofpotter.eu/user ) I am trying to make a new account too, which it won't even let me do.


Unpack 5 or 10 wizard cards at a time

Craig the cookie fairy 6 years ago 0

I think this would be a good idea, since the servers would likely not crash from unpacking 100s and 100s at a time


Notif for friend's birthdays

A Robnott 6 years ago 0

Since birthday's are very important on WoP, and everyone loves to post for them, you should get a notification when it is one of your friends birthdays. This will spread awareness of the persons cake day, and make them get more posts on their wall.


Care for masotas

jesus soriano 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2


I wanted to comment that something that I needed, was that the shelter could caress to the pets.

Also I would like that the objects for animals had an action like. For example the brush, could be used to caress, toy balls and others, to increase the love, and not get depressed so fast.

And add a way to recover lost pets.


I can not access the chat from my mobile device since it is blocked by the VIP add. Is that normal ?

Maria 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 2
World of Potter 6 years ago

it is normal, it is a VIP privilege to access the mobile chat ;)


Can't choose a different login after logging out

Kayte / Angela 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 7

As many people on WoP/WoX do, I have multiple accounts, each with their own email. Many times, after I log out of one, I am taken to the main page of the site. I press "Login" and the usual dropdown to put in your email and password comes down, however, when I try to change the email that is in there, it doesn't allow me to type in it or change what is there. This bug is sometimes fixed by refreshing, but other times, I just can't  change what email is in the bar.


Have a trading station for teh things you don't need

Flora 6 years ago 0