Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
(too) short feedbacks (that don't really give any feedback)
So. Today it has been brought up once again that there are many graders who give very minimalistic feedback.. Actually don't give any real feedback at all. It just says the requirements are met or sometimes not even that but only a ''well done'' . Short feedbacks like those rise debates on whether people are speed-grading or not (grading without actually reading the assignment). Now this is a very difficult subject and since this has been a thing that is going on for many IG years already I think it be unlikely that it is going to change by simply telling people to stop it.
I think the easiest solution would be to ''simply'' increase the minimum amount of characters in the feedback box too... 50?... 60? atleast more then it is now.
Missing level-up pop-up, notification and wall posts
For the last two levels I reached (23 and 24) I didn't get the notification, pop-up or wall post that I normally get.
I level up by replying to topics and owls as well as doing and grading homework. I also ate and drunk recently because my schedule didn't allow me to visit the Great Hall on time for the meals, so maybe I did reach level 24 after purchasing or eating something. I am not sure.
I reached level 23 three or four days ago and level 24 today (2 April).
I have checked other people's profiles that reached the same levels recently and they have the wall posts for those levels.
I hope this information helps. I will be happy to answer any question that may help fix this issue.
Thank you in advance!
Leana Stone
Bug with pets
Although you hug your pets a lot, they stay lonly. I think that could be a bug.
Back button when sending gifts
When trying to eat an item in your chest or opening Wizard cards, I find myself accidently pressing "give gift" instead of "eat" or "open card". Sure, that's all fine and dandy, but when you get to the send gift page, you can't simply go back to where you were in your chest. You have to go back to the topic, press the "More" tab, then (if you don't have VIP and can't sort your items) you have to scroll all the way back down to the item, which if you have a lot of items in your chest, it can take awhile. It gets even more annoying if I accidently do it multiple times.
I just ask for an easy fix: A back button that takes me from the sending gifts page back to where I was in my chest. Simple.
topic location images
We all know the locations we have, the Great Hall, Courtyard etcetera. It would be cool if between the WoP Taskbar and the topics themselves there'd be an image of the location to increase the immersion.
Grading box hight
I feel it can be a problem, when we grade homework and only can see 3 lines. I type it in Google Docs, to be safe, but when I copy paste I have to scroll up to see if it took the whole message and not the last one I sent. Could it be possible to get a higher so you can see the message in there? Maybe 150-200px high? It's not that big of a change, but it would mean a lot to me. =)
Highlight your characters name if its in other topics
What I mean is in topics that you are participating in your characters first name (e.g Blaze) would be highlighted so you could easily see it in RPs to see if someone has interacted with you easier as sometimes if you don't have time to read the whole topic reply you could misunderstand things and maybe react to things that haven't been directed at your character.
The problem with this is that there are more people with the same first name most of the time and that would just be redundant. You can however just press ctrl/cmd+f to be able to search for your name in the topic.
Blogs for Users
Maybe we could have a blog that each user could post to? Like a personal blog for everyone?
Some features could include:
-Liking a blog
-Blog comments
-A way to edit blogs
-A way to delete blogs
-A filter?
-Blog 'playlists', to sort blogs into different series
I think I lot of users would take advantage of this! It seems like fun to me!
Colors don't matter
Countless of times i've been a witness to people taking their colour/post for granted. I have countless of friends that decided to quit WoP because people with Green & Yellow colours would talk down to them. I understand that we need teachers and leaders, but they shouldn't make you feel less worth than they are. We're after all all humans, and it annoys me to see that a color will change how people will look at them.
I've also witnessed myself that people without a colour would be ignored in the chat. It should be a site for us all, and a color does not define who you are. I've ONLY written this because the staff really should open their eyes. it's just a color.
If you are finding this a problem on the site then talk to the MoM or Headmaster of the site and explain the issues you have been having or seeing, they will be able to help you
Customer support service by UserEcho