Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Navigate out of topic

Jada Nightflame 8 years ago 0

There would be a "back" or "up" button on WoP itself, which you can click, and then it takes you to to the page where that topic has been created. Say you're an AT and you're following an "absence" topic, you could press the back/up button and it would take you to the page of your subject, where all the other topics are.

This could be really useful for old topics, if you forget where they're located. This goes for both RPG and work topics. I'm, for example, following a topic on NL of which I wasn't sure where it was located at first. And I can't easily view the other topics in that location.


Bookmarks for group owls

Jada Nightflame 8 years ago updated by Vienna Carrington 6 years ago 0

You could set a bookmark on a message that has been sent in a group owl, and then, if a lot more new messages come, it's easy to find the message you've last read


Make the Quibbler and the Daily Prophet to RPG forums

Elijah Stewart 8 years ago updated by Dyron Adelaide 7 years ago 4

I think this would be a great opportunity for the employees of the different newspapers - to be able to RPG and actually play on the fact, that they work for the newspapers.

I believe it is easy to add in Diagon Alley, simply make a tab that says 'The Quibbler (forum)' and 'The Daily Prophet (forum)'. There's way more opportunity to RPG about your job, when you work on Hogwarts, as that is fully established - I think the employees of the newspapers should have similar opportunities!


Gewone Gebruiker veranderen naar Gewone Leerling (in het zwart)

ilsevanrooijen 8 years ago updated by miLLe 8 years ago 5

Alles is in Harry Potter thema. Nu viel het mij op dat de zwarte letters als Gewone Gebruiker staat. Misschien staat het leuker als Gewone Leerling, wat meer betrokkener naar de site?


Es soll möglich sein, dass man die letzten drei Beiträge im Forum einsehen kann

jenkatou 8 years ago updated by miLLe 8 years ago 2

Es wäre für Leute, die gerne andere Charaktere aus WoP verfolgen wollen oder sehen wohlen wo er zu letzt einen Beitrag gemacht hat gut, wenn man auf der Wall des Benutzers die letzten drei Beiträge aus dem Forum eingehen kann. Das erleichtert manchmal das Planen beim RPG


I've fainted for two hours

Luna 8 years ago updated by h bergstrom95 7 years ago 1 1 duplicate

Is this normal? For a little while now, the timer on the fainted has been 2-15 minutes over the usual one hour. I logged on today and the timer says two hours and thirteen minutes.


Paging user search

miLLe 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 1

When on the "all users" site you enter criteria to search a specific user and you click to go to the next page beneath, your filters are deleted.


Profile music mute

Deanna Cherry 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

I wish there was a profile song mute button so if you are reading someones profile you don't HAVE to listen to the music they have playing. Especially for people who have really long BS or Profile text and only have one song on repeate rather then sit there and listen to the same song 20 times.


notifcation alert

Kybjosh 8 years ago updated by Tom 4 years ago 2 1 duplicate

i had the idea of a sound when you get a notification. similair like when you get a sound that you get a @ in the chat. this so that when i am doing something else because there is nothing to do for me aside from chat. i can do something else and always know when i get a notification instead of needing to check that


Sometimes showing the notification twice. Also Notification for Newly Added friends

Luna Rose 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 1

I have seen sometimes that some of the notifications on WoP US are showing up twice. Also I have seen where you have to refresh your page to unmark who added you to their friend list