Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Chat for free
It would be very nice, if on mobile phones the chat could be for free and not only for vips.
Notifications not scrolling
When you have lots of notifications - and you want to read them all - and you mark a few as read, it doesn't scroll anymore, ony showing the upper notifications. So this morning I had 18 notifications (homeworks, wallposts, etc, so things I want to see) and I could only see 5...
Epic and legendary card packs
This idea goes for having a guaranteed legendary pack which ensures at least 1 legendary card. With all the new cards, it seems harder and harder to finish the collections. Of course the guaranteed packs would be more expensive.
Invite people to this website
I would like to be able to invite my friends and family but there is no "invite" option in this game. Many games people are allowed to invite their friends and family, why not this website? Having an "invite" option would cause more people to play the game. Please let there be a "invite" option in this game.
State English only rule in General Rules as well as chat rules
It would be helpful to state the English-only rule in the Starting or General Rules. At the moment I can see it listed in the Chat rules but nowhere else, making it ambiguous as to whether it applies to the rest of the site. However the expectation is that RPGs, homeworks, etc also have to be in English. This would help greatly with being certain if the rule has been broken so we can respond accordingly.
The websites url is listed with the language that has to be spoken in chat and on the complete website, but if you really feel like this is an obstacle. Contact your Minister of Magic or Headmistress and suggest they include it in their rules page :)
Adoption Forum
So many graduated adults are pestered by nice kids who just really want to be adopted. Sometimes it works out, but in most cases one will find that
1. The kids are not suitable for the personality of the adult, and vice versa
2. The kids often will pester the adults when they go into chat
3. The adults feel bad and don't want to disown
4. A perfectly nice adult is waiting out there who is new, and in the joy of a new age-up is sprung upon to adopt
So what can we do? I propose making an adoption forum somewhere.Before I get into explaining, you may be saying: This is World Of Potter! No room for an adoption place! It isn't even Harry Potter related! Well neither is the VIP room, but we still have it. Maybe we can have one more!
A bit more about my idea; I think that in this forum the kids can fill out a template, saying something like their names, what they look for in a father/mother, and a bit about themselves and their personality. Then, when a graduated adult wishes to adopt, they can go and find someone suitable that they would get along with! Everyone could participate, so no one would be left out!
This would be a solution I think many grads are looking for!
Show When Answering a Topic
Whenever someone is answering a topic, it doesn't show it on the Marauders Map. I've noticed it just stays on the page where they previously were, can that be added?
"Searching for users"-Bug
Hi there!
So, say I want to search for users of the age '15', this works perfectly and it shows 10+ pages with users of the age '15' (Danish WoP).
However, when I want to proceed to page 2, it just kind of skips back to showing the newly registered users, and not the ones I've searched for. So, when you search for someone, and the searching result is more than 1 page, you can't see anything but the 1st page.
This is super frustrating, when one is trying to locate a specific user! I've experienced this bug on WoP EU, US and DK.
changes of profile with paypal
make changes like house, gender, etc. possible with paypal
Achievement bug
I have the achievement "submit 15 assignments"
I have the achievement "submit 50 assignments"
But I don't have "submit 30 assignments"
It is still dark and locked on my achievement board and I've never received any notification about it.
That's very perturbating :')
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