
State English only rule in General Rules as well as chat rules

Glinda Rose 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

It would be helpful to state the English-only rule in the Starting or General Rules. At the moment I can see it listed in the Chat rules but nowhere else, making it ambiguous as to whether it applies to the rest of the site. However the expectation is that RPGs, homeworks, etc also have to be in English. This would help greatly with being certain if the rule has been broken so we can respond accordingly. 



The websites url is listed with the language that has to be spoken in chat and on the complete website, but if you really feel like this is an obstacle. Contact your Minister of Magic or Headmistress and suggest they include it in their rules page :)


The websites url is listed with the language that has to be spoken in chat and on the complete website, but if you really feel like this is an obstacle. Contact your Minister of Magic or Headmistress and suggest they include it in their rules page :)