Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Losing money without a notice
The last two weeks i am losing money, like 3 4 times a day. Even when i log in i lost money, but the strange part is that normally you get a notification for it from like foppe but not even now. Does anyone has the same problem?
minimale aantal woorden invoeren met insturen van huiswerk
Het zou misschien wel iets leuks zijn om een minimale aantal woorden in te voeren bij het maken van huiswerk. Op deze manier kan huiswerk ook eerlijker beoordeeld worden en is het ook fijner nakijken. Het feedback geven wordt makkelijker. Nu moet ik maar verzinnen wat voor feedback ik geef aan iemand die 2 zinnen geeft met huiswerk en ook nog eens een Uitmuntend krijgt omdat alles in principe erin staat. Best oneerlijk vergeleken met iemand die zijn/haar best doet en een U krijgt.
Updated Library
I was thinking we could possibly be able to write books and have it published for other users to check it out and read them. Helpful tips or even books to read for fun. There's lots of great authors who could write amazing books for the entertainment of others.
Remove US home page music
Could we possibly remove the music on the home page? It is incredibly annoying when you want to listen to other things or just want it to be quiet. You can of course mute the site, but then you don't get any pings from chat.
While I agree that it's annoying, it's something in the code for the box on the homepage. I'd send an owl to your MoM/HM to ask them to remove it :)
Status competition for adults!
We also want to be cool and have the chance to win a status like vident or animagus. We have lots of responsibilities and we can't participate in any competition.
This is something you should speak to with the MoM and HM of your site. Each site holds different competitions at different times, and some are actually for grads, so the site you're on must not have held one yet!
I believe it would be great to have to option to use IDEAL for payments, because now not everyone can buy VIP or AdFree subscriptions. Not everyone has a creditcard or any of the other possibilities. So I believe IDEAL is great.
Class/year divided, so that we can get more relations in the year with people from different houses.
So my idea is that on the marauders map there should be people divided by their year so that it is easier to see people from ones year and that way create more relations within the year, or some how an active list that shows who passed their exams and therefore is in year 2, 3 and up ish. Not a dead one where you have to add names all the time and delete names.
You can search for the year on the marauders map now. Simply click on all users and search for the year you want, and all users in that year will be listed, together with their house (:
The week stands in another language
As you see it says 'uge 2' in my feedback notification on World of Mystic Falls
Accept Friend Request on Notification
I don't really accept friend requests on World of Potter anymore due to two reasons.
1. I may not know the person
2. I have a LOT of requests from friends that I have to dig to and don't have time to clear it out right now.
An easy fix: The ability to either accept or decline friend requests as the notification is being sent. If you ignore it, it goes straight to where it always goes.
Just to make things easier,
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