Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


voting system for new rules

Fayee Sturgess 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

I think it would be really good if, instead of a new rule being imposed on us, there was a panel of both staff and students, who vote on a new rule. this would insure that the new rules would best benefit the users of wop. you could even call the representatives on the panel "the  Wizengamot" to make it fit in with the Harry Potter world. I would also like to suggest that if the panel pass threw a rule that the wider population of wop do not like, they could petition to change this rule. This would make wop more of a democracy. 

World of Potter 7 years ago

WoP is not democracy and never will be. The rules are put on the sites for a good reason and this to support, help and keep safe the majority of users. 


Houseteacher Team

Pavella 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

This is something I wanted to give as an idea to worldofpotter.de (Germany) because I'm not sure how the other pages handle this. 

I think it would make sense to get each house a team of Houseteachers - a female and a male one. (Should be f/m and over 18 irl too) 

In my opinion it's better to have a team with both genders to make sure everyone feels confident enough to talk to one of them if necessary. For the team itself it would be good to have a second opinion too. The reason why I see a benefit in there is that we're all humans and have our personal preferences or even emotional reactions to topics that might not be fair on the one who has a complaint. 

World of Potter 7 years ago

If you need to speak to another gender we have mixed genders throughout the site- you can go to any staff member you feel comfortable talking with. 


language choice

ecemozkan 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

It must be language choice. When you are foreign it is hard to write essays.

World of Potter 7 years ago

Hello dear ;) you're not the only one struggling in English, that's why local WoP websites have also opened. In addition of WoP EU, UK and US which are all in English, you can sign up to German, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, and soon, French WoP ;) if you don't speak any of these languages, you can still help people from your country translating the English site into your native language, so you'll be more at ease when RPing ;)


A friends' list.

Crystal 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2

I wish to be able to see which one of my friends that are online w/o needing to hold my mouse over their name. 


"Infected" Status

Alex, Arrow, Nathaniel, Lukas 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 7

On World of Walkers, change the term "Banned User" to "Deceased" or the like to continue with the theme of TWD. Also, a status of "walker" or "infected" could be added for competitions in which they have the power to attack and kill/eat/bite other users and turn them in topics. It could work by die rolling, such as how duels on WoP work.


Expecto Patronum

destroying dragon 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

I think it would be better to learn the expecto patronum spell earlyer in the year 3 or 4 


Selective homework correcting

gore 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 2

I'd like to be able to end/quit a certain subject so that the homework from this subject does not appear when correcting homework. This way people can choose in which subjects they would like to correct homework. This would ignite an interest in correcting homework because you can now choose to only read homework connected to one's favorite subjects.


Adding an option for a one time change house

naterocky 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 3

I think there should be a one time for everyone to change their house because to be honest what house I got is most definitely not me at all, so I looked to see if I could change it and I have to be 20 dollars to change it the first time. I mean it'd be more fair if ONE FREE time was given among each and every account to change their house then after that they have to pay it'll be fair.

World of Potter 7 years ago

To keep it realistic, it is not possible to just change the house, since in the books the students aren't able to do that either. If you want to be sorted in a specific house, it is rather easy to answer the questions of the sorting hat in a way that will make him place you in your house of choice.


Free food all day round

Luna 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 8 years ago 1

Instead of free food only being avalible at certain times, food could be available all day round


Need-to-be-graded Homework Exchange

Dusty Carve 12 months ago updated by Vita Auden 11 months ago 1

Do you think that it's a good idea for users to be able to.. How do I say this- Exchange? Homework to grade.

Like, it works like Gifts. A user and click on the little Homework icon, and there can be an option to 'Exchange' and if the user clicks that, it will bring them to a
screen similar to the Gifting screen. And the person types who they want to give the homework to and then they pick the amount, and then they press 'Send' and they person who wants/needs homework to grade, they get more homework to grade?

My point of this idea is to take the Homework that some users don't want to grade and give them to the users who want to grade them. It could help get Homework graded faster.

But the person that is being offered more Homework to grade has a choice to Accept it, or decline it. So the person isn't being bombarded with un-wanted Homework to Grade.