Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.



faypotterworld 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 3

To help protect the younger plays, there real age should be placed on their profile along with their characters age, so that adults do not mistake them for other adults and engage in what would be inappropriate RPG or conversations in general. Another method to protect younger players could be that simply under 18s cannot speak to over 18 yr olds in any form, expect mark homework, unless your involved in the sites running eg teachers


Allow characters to have autism on WoO under certain conditions

Jake Hamilton 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 7

I think we should be allowed to roleplay as autistic characters on WoO if we can prove that we can RP with the condition with respect. Being autistic myself IRL this could be a good idea for others with the condition if they want to RP with it.


Please submit

Imma get them toes little girl 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 2

bootleg i was banned for no reason

World of Potter 6 years ago

Hi there! For future reference, this wouldn't go into the "Ideas" category, but perhaps the "Questions"!

Nearly every site won't ban a user without reason, though please keep in mind that the site doesn't need a reason to remove a user from the website, nor do they need to give warning, as the rules say when you sign up. You accept this before joining. 

With that in mind, most sites will only ban a user if they have a valid reason for banning you, so some rule(s) must have been violated to result in you being removed from the website.


The feedback tab gets in the way.

tammylhodges 6 years ago updated by Marcus Peppin 6 years ago 4
World of Potter 6 years ago

Try to change the size of your screen (for windows strg & + / strg &-) This should solve it.



Ana 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 2
Hi Guys,
many know it from you and soon it is me too. Our characters grow up and it would not be cool for that, if you say so Jobs has IG at the Ministry. So my suggestion would be that you really build the ministry and the individual professions, which would give the adults a job IG and maybe dismiss the management. In addition, it would be good if some clubs were IG, because we have many restaurants and also bars that were opened there. A color might be convenient for a bar or club owner, but this would not be mandatory. In addition, I find it a pity that there are only the 2 major newspapers, because what about the Wizarding Wireless Network, W.W.N or other media? These are disregarded, although you would actually have the opportunity to really make a page with music or something, or if you want to be like a regular Zeitschrieft. Thanks in advance for reading this.

I want to be in Gryffindor, not Hufflepuff. Transfer me or else delete my profile!

masterrevan69 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 2
World of Potter 7 years ago

This is not the right place to ask such things. You cannot be transferred, so if you really want to be at Gryffondor, you'll have to create another account. If you want one of your accounts to be deleted, you must owl the headmaster or minister of your platform.



Sara 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 1

A veces el roleo no es seguido y continuado para hacer de esto una experiencia 100% entretenida. Propongo la integración de más minijuegos con objetos aleatorios como premio.


A Class in Greek

Sara Perkins 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 5 years ago 1

Okay, so Greek is somewhat of an obscure language, but being Greek demigods it makes total sense to teach it! I'm sure you're probably thinking "where on Earth are we going to find someone good enough at Greek to teach it, but I'm personally quite good at languages as are, I am sure, many other people on this site, so I'm sure someone could teach themselves Greek just so they could teach it on here. In fact, I'm already learning Greek, so if no one else volunteers I totally would! Yeah, it would be a hard class to create, but it makes sense since our characters are supposed to know Greek and most of us don't know a thing about it.


delete year requierments for pets

Kybjosh 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 1

delete this year related pet thingy, it sucks when you want to buy an owl and only can choose the most boring owl because you are not in the right year

World of Potter 7 years ago

The year requirements have been adapted and should now be more logical. We're sorry that this upsets you, but you can always wait a few weeks until your higher in years and then buy the pet you want (:



acdc 7 years ago updated by Lava 4 years ago 5

2 persistent about ad blockers i could barely type this with u "notifying" *koff* harassing me *koff*                     pls i dont like ads k?

World of Potter 7 years ago

Sadly we have to decline this idea since our site is financed by ads. If they really bother you, you can always buy an ad-free profile for just a little money, which also helps the site grow (: