Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Be able to have multiple jobs on the same user

WoPideasblahblah 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

Right now if you want to be on multiple teams you need to have multiple users and while this can be lovely if you want to be secret about your other users, it would be greatly appreciated to have the the possibility to have multiple jobs on the same user, so there is not that much "jumping" from user to user just because you want to help more than one team.

Of course this means that you cannot show every team you are on by colour of your name, I would here say that it would be important to show the team with most user interaction - or where users af more expected to be looking for you.

I would say that the teams that which colour should show, even if other jobs are held are:
Teacher assistant

(leader/manager jobs are not taken into consideration)

It could also possible be that you would not be able to have these 3 types of jobs on the same user but would have to split them up on multiple users as it is now - And this is not because other teams aren't important , but because these teams are the ones who new users are more likely to use, without being contacted first by them.


There is missing a letter on WOPDE

Someone_not_me 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

Hey, I just saw, that there is missing a letter in "Ohnmacht" were the archivements are standing.

There is written "Ohmacht" instead of "Ohnmacht". Just the N is missing ^^

At the archivements

Image 458

At the little Archivement-post is everything fine ^^

Have a nice day.

~ Me


Invalid Datetime Format error

jimbob 2 years ago 0

When trying to reply to a pm / creating a pm, this happens:


SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x91\x80' for column `worldofpotter_com`.`pm_messages`.`message` at row 1

#0 /app/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php(182): Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractMySQLDriver->convertException()
#1 /app/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php(159): Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException::wrapException()
#2 /app/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Connection.php(2121): Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException::driverExceptionDuringQuery()
#3 /app/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Statement.php(173): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->handleExceptionDuringQuery()
#4 /app/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Persisters/Entity/BasicEntityPersister.php(287): Doctrine\DBAL\Statement->execute()
#5 /app/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php(1119): Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity\BasicEntityPersister->executeInserts()
#6 /app/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/UnitOfWork.php(420): Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork->executeInserts()
#7 /app/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManager.php(383): Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork->commit()
#8 /app/vendor/eye4web/eye4web-zfc-user-pm/src/Eye4web/ZfcUser/Pm/Mapper/DoctrineORM/PmMapper.php(340): Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager->flush()
#9 /app/vendor/eye4web/eye4web-zfc-user-pm/src/Eye4web/ZfcUser/Pm/Service/PmService.php(373): Eye4web\ZfcUser\Pm\Mapper\DoctrineORM\PmMapper->newMessage()
#10 /app/vendor/eye4web/eye4web-zfc-user-pm/src/Eye4web/ZfcUser/Pm/Controller/PmController.php(171): Eye4web\ZfcUser\Pm\Service\PmService->newMessage()
#11 /app/module/Application/src/Application/Controller/OwlsController.php(86): Eye4web\ZfcUser\Pm\Controller\PmController->readConversationAction()
#12 /app/vendor/laminas/laminas-mvc/src/Controller/AbstractActionController.php(77): Application\Controller\OwlsController->readConversationAction()
#13 /app/vendor/laminas/laminas-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(331): Laminas\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController->onDispatch()
#14 /app/vendor/laminas/laminas-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(188): Laminas\EventManager\EventManager->triggerListeners()
#15 /app/vendor/laminas/laminas-mvc/src/Controller/AbstractController.php(103): Laminas\EventManager\EventManager->triggerEventUntil()
#16 /app/vendor/laminas/laminas-mvc/src/DispatchListener.php(138): Laminas\Mvc\Controller\AbstractController->dispatch()
#17 /app/vendor/laminas/laminas-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(331): Laminas\Mvc\DispatchListener->onDispatch()
#18 /app/vendor/laminas/laminas-eventmanager/src/EventManager.php(188): Laminas\EventManager\EventManager->triggerListeners()
#19 /app/vendor/laminas/laminas-mvc/src/Application.php(331): Laminas\EventManager\EventManager->triggerEventUntil()
#20 /app/public/index.php(103): Laminas\Mvc\Application->run()
#21 {main}


etc. This has happened twice to me while attempting to owl people / reply to owls. I don't know if this is an already reported bug, just putting it out there 👀

OS: macOS Ventura 13.2.1
Browser: firefox 112.0.2 (64-bit)

To reproduce: Sending pms?


it's not letting me change my profile picture

lilly hadleyfeemster 2 years ago updated by Gabriel Nightmare 2 years ago 1

It has 3 white boxes with a bunch of codes... one of them says 'call to a member of function getPath on null' I have no idea what do, it says it on my alts


Buy VIP even while fainted

asher brooks 2 years ago 0

Being able to access the VIP and upgrades while fainted.


Godly paren quiz

marek stpierre1 2 years ago updated by Vita Auden 2 years ago 1

It thinks that I'm on mobile but I'm not


Fun games

henry forson 2 years ago 0

So then people can play games 


No interest

asher brooks 2 years ago 0

A few other people and I haven't gotten interest in 3 days, it started happening after the move.


a real unity game to install

irhouden reda 2 years ago updated by World of Potter 2 years ago 1

can you add a real game witch we install it and play with other players


Please fix this!

emilyulicky 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

Please fix this so that you can rest your password using a gmail account!!!