Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


I am not sure how to start the game, I don’t even know what type of dragon I am.

lencas157 2 years ago updated by World of Potter 2 years ago 2

capture the flag doesnt work

piperbrowning200 2 years ago 0

whenever i try to go to the link for capture the flag it just shows a black screen


Profielfoto hapert en veranderpagina = foutmelding

Jason Malarkey 2 years ago 0

Ik wou daarnet mijn profielfoto aanpassen als VIP, maar de foto hapert en ik kan hem niet opnieuw veranderen om die pagina nu steeds een foutmelding geeft. Verder heb ik nog geen problemen gehad met de site op browser, maar hopelijk komt dit snel goed (of na de kerstdagen, want druk voor iedereen ofc).



Hades 2 years ago 0

so how dose some one become a teacher? i dont want to i just wane know how, i've been wondering for a bit.


Class format

Hades 2 years ago 0

so im working on a discord server, can and i was wondering if its allowed to use the format for classes for it, with like something being writen and then the students reply kinde of like the classes, am i allowed to use it? ofc i will credit WoJM for the idea!


ok so this is more of a quistion, it bc i accedentaly went out of a class befor i had submited, and idk how to go back in, i also dont know how to chat with other ppl in the same class as me like most classes ask us to do

Hades 2 years ago 0

ok so this is more of a quistion, it bc i accedentaly went out of a class befor i had submited, and idk how to go back in, i also dont know how to chat with other ppl in the same class as me like most classes ask us to do


Name copy cancel, and name filter

Red 2 years ago 0

If someone makes an inappropriate name, they either get warned, or (if continued to be attempted to be verified) locked out of the account temporarily. if someone copies a name, they aren't allowed in (most recent players copying names will not be let in). check roblox, and do both for examples, they work excellently


Crystal Grace - Gender Input Suggestion

Crystal Grace 2 years ago 0

I think we could add an 'other' option to the gender input, where a person who is creating their account could type another gender identity, for example, bigender or genderfluid... Just thinking out loud!



Make A Warrior Cats World

Harmony Starling 2 years ago updated by Vita Auden 2 years ago 1

Make a World Of Warrior Cats (WoWC) or World Of Clans (WoC) please!!!