Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
How often are status competitions held?
I was wondering about this since I’ve been on World of Potter for a year, and I’ve never seen the competition before. Is it posted on the notice board? Is there a link to it when it’s available on the guidelines status page?
if some people can’t afford an add-free profile or a VIP profile, then maybe they could donate whatever they want instead. Also, if anyone wants to support World of Potter even further, they could donate while they have VIP!
vault of treaser
put money in and it did not show p i know have lost like about 22-26 jewels please fix.
Italics/Bold stays when you go off the assignment
When I am taking a break from an assignment with italics, bold, etc. and I come back, that goes away! I sometimes forget what had what. I would love it if the italics/bold/whatever stay.
Breeding and hatching mechanic for pets
There should be a way to breed your pets of same species together, giving you eggs. You could then hatch these eggs for new pets. It would probably be expensive to breed them, and you would need to do something special to hatch the eggs.
Wallpost 'Delete' cancel button not working
When you delete a wallpost, you can either press the 'sure, yeah, fine' option, or the 'cancel' option. However, I've recently figured out that both of them delete the wallpost xD the site is WoP UK, so I'm not sure if it's the same everywhere else, but if it is, could this be changed so the cancel button actually cancels it?
pronoun options
so, since having a non-binary gender option has been declined. why not just add pronoun options that appear next to the gender? imma be real, i don't really feel safe here after j.k rowling's transphobia and this place's hesitance to accept that trans and gender non-conforming children do in fact exist. nobody is saying they have to make permanent medical choices to change their bodies, purely that they identify as something other than female or male. idk, it just seems kinda pointless. it feels like very much an afterthought to just say "stick it in your bio" when half the people don't read them anyway. this would also support those who use neopronouns.
Needs more frequent Catastrophes xD
We need more often Catastrophes not for once for 5 hours xD
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