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On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Brewing Room Took Items

Avahrie 4 years ago updated by Vita Auden 4 years ago 3

First of all, I do know that when a potion is not successful I lose the ingredients and sometimes the cauldron- this is not what happened.

I had two recipes that I wanted to try and started a potion, in a cheaper cauldron. I then went to start the second potion in the most expensive cauldron, not realising that it cost to have two brewings happening at the same time. 

There was a popup asking if I wanted to pay. I clicked cancel- and I am very sure I did not hit proceed by accident- and the site redirected me to a payment page anyways. 

I didn't want to pay, so I hit the back button, and I ended up back on the brewing homepage saying "you need to purchase a cauldron to start a brewing" or whatever it said. I was super confused, so I went to my chest- the ingredients that I had placed in the potion I didn't end up starting to brew were gone, as was my cauldron. 

In summary- put ingredients in a brewing, but didn't start it; was redirected to a payment page despite hitting cancel and now all my ingredients and cauldron are gone.


I think WoP should have a tab to buy Galleons.. I think it would be a great idea

Taylor Blackheart 4 years ago updated by Tenebrent Salven 4 years ago 1

I think a option to buy Galleons on this site would be a great idea.. As to when people run low on galleons they have a backup plan to purchase galleons..


More uses for objects and more reasons how you can get hurt.

Scarlet Wolfolk 4 years ago 0

A lot of things I buy I think I can actally do something so I just get something and never use it. And that goes for reasons you can get hurt too, like if you have dittany and you faint you can use it on you or a friend. And if we got more reasons to get hut it can go with new quests.


Location of The Qubblers office

Isabelle Black 4 years ago updated by Vita Auden 4 years ago 1

Can we change the location of the quibblers office? Since right now both magazines office is in the ministry but the quibblers is really in Hogsmeade. 

"Merge Publications is a wizarding publisher which issues the monthly tabloid The Quibbler. It was housed on the second floor of Office 323 in Hogsmeade..." - https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Merge_Publications 

Just something that bugs me a lot as the CE of the quibbler SE. 


Mermish Status

Mira Astaret 4 years ago updated by Tenebrent Salven 4 years ago 2

The ability to speak Mermish. It would be a great status to earn in competitions because, like the Animagus status, it isn't over-powered but it would still be worth something. In the Harry Potter universe, it's also extremely challenging to learn. There are at only two people we know of so far who definitely spoke it- Albus Dumbledore and Dylan Marwood, so it's possible although extremely difficult. I believe this would open up many possibilities in topics for conversations with the merpeople of the Black Lake and also elsewhere in oceans and lakes.

In conclusion- the ability to speak mermish would be an excellent status because it's not over-powered or worthless, and it's difficult enough IG to be rare. Thanks for your consideration! <3


Mobile chat input field not available

Ashcroft 5 years ago 0

My android home bar overlaps with 90% the input field on mobile, making it very difficult to write something into the chat. Is there a way to maybe add a little bit more scrollable space below the input field so I can scroll down enough to write normally?


At home button

Zoey Pallas 5 years ago updated by Henrietta Nagy 4 years ago 1

If your away, you won't faint. You won't be able to do anything until you press the back at camp button. Once you press the button, you will be met with a confirm pop-up in case you pressed it accidentally. If you press yes, you will not faint. The minimum time is 24 hours so people won't abuse the feature. I hope you'll consider this because many people might not be home and won't bring their computer with them for a pretty long time. If they don't keep going into the Dining Pavilian every day they will faint. Thanks for reading this!


Have the ability to change the week and day of your birthday IG for a price.

LynnBlack 5 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 4

Switch the Level requirements

Alexia Silvermane 5 years ago updated by Brady Flint 5 years ago 1

For a long time, I've been thinking, why can you grade homework, before you can create topics? I mean WoP and other WoX sites is an RPG based site, so how come making a topic, is harder to do, than to grade homework, which is in my opinion a bigger responsibility. 

My suggestion is to switch it around. Making it so you have to be level 3 to create a topic. And level 5 to grade homework. This will also make it so, that people have more knowledge about the site, the requirements and so on, before they grade homework, hopefully making it so, they don't do as many mistakes as they would at level 3, when they are completely new to the site. 


A New WoX Site for the Dragon Prince Fandom

Lydia Rome 5 years ago updated by Dyron Adelaide 5 years ago 1

Can we please have a new World of X Site based of the Netflix T.V. Show the Dragon Prince for users who love being elves and practicing Magic as Mages?