Your comments

I am not saying it is a bad idea, just that they shouldn't have it their first week.

I think the first thing you mention is the reason why not. People could just make new users in order to send the lowest requirement pets.

It would also kind of just ruin your site experience after that week, if you are given everything and then it took it away from you without warning. People wouldn’t know it was just a trial and a lot of people skip those kinds of warnings looking at how often we have to mention the beginner's guide.

I am guessing this is because your screen is too narrow. A lot of laptops end up being too narrow by default in regards to zoom for some weird reason, so perhaps eother zoom out on your browser or look in your display settings.

Then don't hand in an assignment prematurely... also you didn't answer my question about why the thirty minutes more than just a day? It is such a random amount.

I am confused about why a day and thirty minutes and not just a day? Also, if it was five minutes it works like topics.

I agree, that would be nice to have for articles.

The only reason I think 5 minutes are fine is because that would be to fix small mistakes... why are you submitting stuff with things that need a whole day?

I was about to say that you would be changing an assignment people have begun grading, but 5 minutes might be good and then it could be sent out to graders after those 5 minutes.