Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.
On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.
All ideas and comments should must be in english.
Get Points From Achievements
Pretty self explanatory. As you get an achievement, you get 5 points. It keeps going as you get more of that achievement. 5, 10, 15, etc.
Please add a scroll bar onto the notifications
Please add a scroll bar to the notification menu
AT’s free age changing
Hey, you should make it also possible for AT’s to change there age for free. You can’t seriously take an AT as an 11 year old.
No user job gets a free age change. Only staff jobs get one free age change because they have to act as adults IG. All other jobs can be done by students, IG and OOG.
Virtual Reality
Be able to create a 3D character and walk throught the halls and put thought bubbles above your head. For VIPs, be able to have speech bubbles.
Advance through school faster
I would love to be able to move through years faster. Maybe a pay option to complete years above your current year. Like skipping grades IRL.
No cost for everything.
I don't want cost for random stuff because I don't want to spend all of my money💸😰
More including theme
So I like how there's a theme going, but I just wanted to point out that not everyone celebrates Easter and I would prefer something a bit more including. Just a small thing that's bugging me.
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