Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


new chocolate frog cards with WoP users on them

WoPideasblahblah 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 3

It could be cool if there could be added some INGAME/user wizards/Witches to the cards.

My thought is primarily based on the DK site, since that is where I am. Sometimes there are contests such as 'Flammernes Tekop.(Teacup of flames/fire?) and other prestige contests - another example could be the 'order of Merlin' awards. It could be added as a 'If you win this or this you can - if you want to - have your character on a chocolate frog card' It would just be to add some realisme, and we already have some previous users such as Flier, on a card. 

And I imagine it being SO much fun to say INGAME(and OOG) 'Oh yeah I am on a card, beacuse I achieved this and that ;)'

World of Potter 6 years ago

This is not possible since it would be too much work to create different cards for the different sites. Also, when someone gets banned for some reason, their card would have to be removed, which causes trouble with any possible collections. 


Notifications for store owners about RPGs in their store at the club "Winkelgasse-Next Generation"

Quintus Howly 6 years ago updated by donnadon 2 years ago 2

Realistically, the shopkeepers spend most of their time in their shop and therefore see everyone who comes to their store. For the game, it would be easier if you as a shopkeeper on every entry in your own shop would get a notification and is not dependent on notifications of players owls. The shopkeeper has a better overview of ​​what's going on in his store, and can inscribe into the RPGs if he likes. Notifications would be a relief to shopkeepers, as they do not have to look in the club to see if something has happened in their store.


Having the possibility to lend pets to someone when we can't take care of them.

wenpruv 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 2

When we can't login for a few days and we can't take care of our pets. To avoid they run away, lend the pet to one of our friends.

World of Potter 6 years ago

You can always give your people into the pet care when you can't log in. There you pet will be taken care off, and when you come back you can take it home again. 


More house points for homeworks

Xima 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 1

Since the house points on WoP DE for peeves riddles have been increased, they are very high compared to the points you get for doing homework. It would be nice if the height of house points for evaluating and doing homework could be increased too.
I mean: 5 points daily for Peeves riddle and a homework rated with 'Outstanding' will only give 10 house points?
This cannot be right?!

Not a bug

Unicorn Bug

Florence Cabot 6 years ago updated by anonymous 2 years ago 5

On November 16th, I recieved the quest to take care of the injured unicorn. I learned that you had to take care of it for severel hours, otherwise it would run away or die. Knowing this, I waited for the unicorn to heal. Finally (after about 8 eights or so) the progress bar for the unicorn was completely filled with green, but nothing happened. This was my first quest so I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug, or just something I am not doing correctly. I took screen shots to prove that it is full, incase the unicorn disappears when I log off. Please help! Thank you!


Ghost Site Job

Emil 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 1

A ghost job would be focused on helping the new students who don't know how to work the site. They'd offer a helpful hand and would have the Job of ghost. Their name would be a faded grey of sorts. They'd be based off of the Hogwarts ghosts that direct you where to go.

World of Potter 6 years ago

It's the job of the HoH and the prefects to help new students understand the site. A new job with that function would make HoH and prefect a bit redundant. Also it would logically not be possible to invent new ghosts since the known Hogwarts ghosts are very likely still there and can be played as NPCs. 


Chat ideas

faypotterworld 6 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 6 years ago 1

A welcome message appears across chat automatically for new members including the house they have been sorted into.

Also all the @ messages could be made private, between the people talking, to free up chat flow. Only moderators would have access to read the messages. 

Not a bug

La imagen de FontMeme en el curso de Cuentos y Leyendas Magicas esta fuera de linea. La imagen no es visible, en su lugar un banner de fontmeme. reparar esto por favor

Kattle Broadwey 6 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 3

Hay una imagen que ya no existe , deben repararlo.


Be Friends With Yourself

foreveridc 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 6 years ago 3

I really like to be friends with myself.


Mark forums

Harri J. Toepfer 7 years ago 0

It would be nice if one could mark followed forums, for example in different colours or als favourites or something like that. Then it would be easier to differentiate between own rps and rps, where one is just stalking. ;)