Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Perma ban should be changed

Cycad 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 3

I feel that permanently banning someone immediately after doing something is highly unfair. I feel we should have short bans that's lengths are determined by how bad what they did was and then if they do that again they shall be permanently banned

World of Potter 4 years ago

We do.... if someone is perma banned there is a reason behind it that requires them to be immediately removed from the site.


timed blocks and bans

svallejo 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 1

i think we should do timed bans. based on what you did wrong that's how long your banned and if horrible enough it can result in a perma ban.

Not a bug

Profile text editor does not match new profile text

Nicholas Hawthrone 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 2

Image 413

Image 414
World of Potter 4 years ago

The leader of the sites should be dealing with this (: 


Editing options in live chat

Aurelia Celeste 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 2

To avoid a number of accidental spam like typo errors


Should let the VIP be free for one moth

Everly Savannah 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 1

You should let the VIP be free for one moth so people can buy it with out using money


Can't do the level 10 quest

Everly Savannah 4 years ago updated by Kayte / Angela 4 years ago 1

Some people can't do the level 10 quest and it may be a bug please try to fix it


Unicorn/Jobberknoll quest?

Didi 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 6

Hello everyone! 

So, a few months ago, I got the Unicorn quest. Sadly, I couldn't finish it, so the Unicorn ran away. Since then, I made topics and wrote a lot in the Forbidden Forest, trying to get the quest again, a new opportunity to complete it. But it didn't show up again. 

The question is: it is possible that this quest only shows up once? I would like to know if I should keep my hopes up. 

Thank you very much ^^ 


Reduced rate to heal from being Fainted

SemillonIvaNova 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 1

No vip for people who don't spend money on games!

Thana! 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 2

I don't have VIP, and I don't want to spend the money. At least have more options like relations!


Easier tabs for homework so no more scrolling down.

nataliegracekid 4 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 2

It would be great to have an easier way to pick different years for each class, instead of having to scroll down to find the year you are in... it would be nice to be able to just click a tab and go to the proper year, like in the homework gradings tabs. Just a thought!