Your comments
Hello! There might be an error on the site you are on, because the last login achievement is actually about 1500 days, not 7500 ^^ (someone achieved it pretty recently so I am sure I am not mistaken ahah) You can ask your site leaders about it, there are the ones who are able to rectify it!
Hello! I don't know which WoP site you're referring to, but you can adress your comment to your site leaders (Ministry of Magic and Headmaster/Headteacher) so that they know there is a spelling mistake. They are the ones who can rectify it!
Hello! Some sites already use their social media to inform their users when the site is down. I don't know if this applies to the site you're on, if not you could suggest it to your leaders or SoMe leader. That doesn't solve the whole problem you're referring to, though...
Hello! Please keep in mind that this feedback feature is used for all WoX sites and the language used here is English ^^ To answer your idea, I guess you're referring to events organised on WoP NL. If it is a site specific request, you should take it out to your leaders (the big green and blue people on top of the Job List) to let them know about it! They're the most suitable persons to help you out.
Hello! I guess this would break the purpose of having to earn money by yourself, whether it's at the beginning of your adventure on a WoX site, or after that. There are many ways to earn galleons (or equivalent currency), the total amount of your savings can climb quickly if you don't spend unnecessarily when you don't have much money and if you use your bank account wisely. On most sites, new users or people who don't have enough money to afford school supplies can ask in chat if anyone could lend them what they need to register in one or a few courses. There are also people with a lot of items in their chest who are willing to give them what items they have more than once. Similarly, some sites have set an item donation system so that users can get for free the items they need if they're on the list. These are ideas which were brought and experimented by the WoX community for years and work quite well.
Thus I personally don't see the point of bank loans. There already is the option to pay for more galleons with IRL money, if you really want to get more without being active on site before.
Hello! I don't really see the point here. Why would it be useful exactly? Leaders can already check IP adresses and distinguish whether another account is yours or the one of another person temporarily sharing the same IP as you. Then, they know how to keep things separate when they (or another Staff member consulting them about IPs) are considering about hiring anyone. If needed, these informations can also be shared between leaders from different sites under a few conditions. They're also able to consider that someone who didn't talk about their previous inactive account from several years ago in their application may have forgotten about it, even if this person didn't explicitly mention that they coud have had an account previously that they don't use anymore/that they didn't use at all after registration.
On an user's note, what use could you have about a list of people using the same IP as you? Maybe it won't help you find out about any previous account you had on a site because you changed your internet source in the meantime. And if it isn't about your own accounts, there is a matter of privacy to be able to see if another user is using the same IP as you, because it could mean that they share your location (for an open internet access at university for example), and not just any user should be able to access this kind of information.
Hello! Your idea is specific to one site, so you should take it out to your leaders (the big green and blue people on top of the Job List) to let them know about it! They're the most suitable persons to hear you out and make sure to tell you if there already is any system/club for this purpose. This is a good idea though, but here is not the adequate place to ask about it, since this feedback is meant for all WoX sites and not only WoP EU.
Hello! If your problem is site specific, you should take it out to your leaders (the big green and blue people on top of the Job List) to let them know about it! They're the most suitable persons to help you out.
Hello! If your problem is site specific, you should take it out to your leaders (the big green and blue people on top of the Job List) to let them know about it! They're the most suitable persons to help you out and check if you really meet all the requirements to register to the class you want to take. Unfortunately this happens sometimes and the easiest way to resolve it is to reach out to your site leaders.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello! Your idea is specific to one site, so you should take it out to your leaders (the big green and blue people on top of the Job List) to let them know about it! They're the most suitable persons to hear you out and make sure to tell you if there already is any system/club or current project for this purpose. Here is not the adequate place to ask about it, since this feedback is meant for all WoX sites and not only WoJM.