Your comments
I agree, that was so much convenient to be able to edit/crop any profile picture on-site! Although it doesn't take much longer to crop it the right size before adding it as a profile picture now, it still was a useful option that was more practical for many users who don't know how to edit the size of a picture.
You can already earn XP while doing almost anything on-site, you just have to be active to gain some XP and then levels: logging in, cuddling pets, sending owls and chat messages, writing and grading homeworks, creating and answering topics, completing wizard cards collections... Even sending an owl to take part in an event organised by the Plot team or the Party team of your house makes you get XP! Levels can be earned as a proof of your activity and presence on the sites you're on, and it's quite fast to obtain the required levels for grading (lvl 3), creating topics (lvl 5) and solving the Marauders' quest (lvl 10). As you mentioned, it is also possible to farm XP while cuddling pets, which is one of the easiest ways to gain levels without spending too much time or IG money, even more if there are a lot of pet owners and a list of them on your site. Thus, I don't feel the urge to ask for more ways to earn XP because there already are many. At this point, it is fair to think that any new function implemented to the sites would likely make you earn some more XP too, whether it be a new minigame or anything else.
This idea has already been suggested and declined by the owners as there is an alternative option implemented on-site which enables anyone to possibly gain new cards by salvaging their duplicate cards. You can find a similar topic and their answer here : It still would be pretty cool to have a new trading wizard/dragon/other cards function, but it's likely not an option that would be considered nor added to the sites in the future.
Please keep in mind that the feedback is a shared space for all WoX/WoP sites and it is thus requested to speak English here ^^
To answer your idea, more relation possibilities would be pretty cool but I don't think it would be a good idea to have too much of a choice. As of now, the current relation labels have been decided by the leaders of each site (some asked for their community's opinion on that matter) and are covering the most relevant and useful ones. The idea isn't to have an endless list on your profile that would cover each and every relation you could have with another user, you can precise these in your profile text. Most users already use their PT as a relation list instead of the relations function which requires to have a VIP profile for sending relation requests.
If you feel that you really need more relations or more relevant labels for your relations, you can always send a message to your site leaders (the big green and blue at the top of the job list) to suggest a change in the existing relations!
You always have the option to ask the leaders of the site you're on for the deletion of your account and/or create a new one if you want to "restart" from scratch your experience on this site. If your question is about an old character you have in year 1 while having 20 years old, for example, there's also the possibility to pay with IRL money to make it younger! If your question is about anything else, please explain a little more so we can answer you.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This seems to be a site-specific problem, the Trophy room is working fine on any WoX site I have an account on. Please contact your site leaders to let them know about it if the bug still exists!