Mehr Beziehungen
Ich würde es cool finden, wenn man mehr Möglichkeiten hätte, eine Beziehung zu bezeichnen. Freunde, Getrennt, Affäre, Onkel, Tante etc. Die wenige Auswahl macht es einem ein bisschen schwer, sich richtig auszuleben und es wäre klasse, wenn man mehr Auswahlmöglichkeiten hätte. :)
Customer support service by UserEcho
Please keep in mind that the feedback is a shared space for all WoX/WoP sites and it is thus requested to speak English here ^^
To answer your idea, more relation possibilities would be pretty cool but I don't think it would be a good idea to have too much of a choice. As of now, the current relation labels have been decided by the leaders of each site (some asked for their community's opinion on that matter) and are covering the most relevant and useful ones. The idea isn't to have an endless list on your profile that would cover each and every relation you could have with another user, you can precise these in your profile text. Most users already use their PT as a relation list instead of the relations function which requires to have a VIP profile for sending relation requests.
If you feel that you really need more relations or more relevant labels for your relations, you can always send a message to your site leaders (the big green and blue at the top of the job list) to suggest a change in the existing relations!