
Check what Accounts You have

kailey 3 months ago updated by Fingal Portgas 3 weeks ago 1

let me give you a scenario: you make an alt on a WoX site three years ago and forget about it. Three years later, you make a new account and begin to be active. You apply for a job and are now being penalized since you had an alt, or if you're using school internet, are connected to six billion other accounts that aren't yours.

As most of you may know, WoX runs on being able to check what other users' potential job hires have. This ensures that our community stays a safe, positive place and jobs do not fall into the wrong people's hands. I think that if there was a feature to see what other users are linked to your IP, WITHOUT revealing anyone's IPs that would be greatly appreciated and can also minimize miscommunication between job applicants and receivers. Being able to directly see what accounts you have, just the name, no personal information being revealed, can help people be fully honest.

Hello! I don't really see the point here. Why would it be useful exactly? Leaders can already check IP adresses and distinguish whether another account is yours or the one of another person temporarily sharing the same IP as you. Then, they know how to keep things separate when they (or another Staff member consulting them about IPs) are considering about hiring anyone. If needed, these informations can also be shared between leaders from different sites under a few conditions. They're also able to consider that someone who didn't talk about their previous inactive account from several years ago in their application may have forgotten about it, even if this person didn't explicitly mention that they coud have had an account previously that they don't use anymore/that they didn't use at all after registration.

On an user's note, what use could you have about a list of people using the same IP as you? Maybe it won't help you find out about any previous account you had on a site because you changed your internet source in the meantime. And if it isn't about your own accounts, there is a matter of privacy to be able to see if another user is using the same IP as you, because it could mean that they share your location (for an open internet access at university for example), and not just any user should be able to access this kind of information.