Your comments

I see where you are coming from. I agree, since I noticed I get frustrated by the grading system as is. I try to give personal feedback and always tell what is good and if there is something that they can work on. All I get back is: completed prompt. Mostly, not by all of course.

I agree something should be done about the grading system. There should be some sort of course in which people learn to get an eye for when homework is really not good or when you can see someone actually tried. I dont agree with the grading: "all questions answered in one sentence is an O." I mean, some of the users really put effort in it, rather than doing it to be done with it. Now both people would get the same grade based on the prompt being completed. 

Could you send the new grading guideline to me?

 I think there should be done something about the grading system as is. There is hardly feedback from users, and it seems they are only grading for the reward (for most people, not all of course). I write quite a bit for my assignments and I got someone who still said: little brief. I think we should have a grading team or just stricter rules, because this system is causing lots of frustration and not just with me ;)

True, but what if students who just joined (like me) DID read the grading rules and learn quickly from watching how others grade? I agree that some new students judge people on grammar and if they like the writing or not, which isn't allowed. But asking for more detail and more writing should only be encouraged, since now people who put a lot of effort and creativity in it, get outstanding, while people who only answer the prompt with 1 sentence also get outstanding. This doesn't seem fair either. I think it is only fair to give people who wrote less and only a couple of sentences shouldn't get outstanding, but Good or Exceeds Expectations with a good feedback on what they can improve. Maybe it's an idea to make it mandatory to read the grading system/rules etc. With a box to 'check' that you read it.

I have the same problem... I have gone through the intro's multiple times.

I think you shouldn't punish them, unless they are being rude or grading bad on purpose. Sometimes it is just a matter of opinion and you grade it to the best of your knowledge. Some people give everyone an Outstanding, and if you are the only one who graded it as should, you would get punished since your grade varies from the rest?
If you want to do something about the problem, better nog give the 5 points, just 0. But I wouldn't punish people, unless they are rude or give everyone bad grades on purpose like I said above :)

This is a great idea in my opinion. When I am grading, and everything from the prompt is there, but very short or only answers and no story I need to give Outstanding, but for example I write a lot more for my assignments and I get outstanding too... There is no extra reward for writing a story or give more details than someone who would just write down the answers in 50 words.

I think this would be very helpful.