Your comments
This should have been done on all the sites now.
Although we appreciate that idea, we have to decline it. When people have done something that makes it necessery to ban them, they are no longer allowed to be part of the game which is indicated by the OOG expression "banned user". We don't want them to be part of the game anymore, not even in stories of other people, so that everyone knows it's a serious thing to be banned.
Alhtough this idea is very creative and we appreciate it, we have to decline it. When students misbehave on the site, they get warnings and if that doesn't help, further actions will be taken. It would lead to a lot of confusion if there were so many options for punishment that can be given by so many different people. It would very likely also lead to misuse at some point, and many people would start to fight the decisions/punishments or simply won't do them.
Translation: Since some of us don't have Paypal, it would be cool if other payment options were added to WoP, like PaySafe for example.
Sadly we have to decline this idea since our site is financed by ads. If they really bother you, you can always buy an ad-free profile for just a little money, which also helps the site grow (:
Customer support service by UserEcho
The year limits of the pets have been changed again now.