Your comments

The rules are in place for a reason - to keep everyone safe and happy. Chat is there for everyone, the rule where if you're asked to stop something you need to respect that is to that we can keep the chats a happy place for everyone to join in. There is a place you can talk freely if you wish and that is in owls - as these are private and cannot be seen by everyone.

WoP is not democracy and never will be. The rules are put on the sites for a good reason and this to support, help and keep safe the majority of users. 

It was not possible before to be able to change any users IRL DOB once they had been entered, This has now been changed. I would not say it was 'bad customer service' as they were explaining to you the options available at the time. Please feel free to owl your MoM and ask for the DOB change now. 

I'm not sure you have commented in the right area for what you have posted. 

Although this would be fun, there was only ever one in existence and it was destroyed at the end of the first book. 

In the newest chapter to HP they mention that all time turners were destroyed, as we take place after this event it would doesn't seem it would work, but thank you for the idea.

If you are finding this a problem on the site then talk to the MoM or Headmaster of the site and explain the issues you have been having or seeing, they will be able to help you

The colour is different, the Head of Houses is much darker than the Journalists colour.