Welcome to World of Potters international feedback portal.

On this page you can suggest ideas, vote for the ideas you like and help develop World of Potter.

All ideas and comments should must be in english.


Grading Assignment World of Olympians

diam0ndarm0r2583 1 year ago 0

When a class gets updated, sometimes the requirements for the assignments change too and it makes it difficult to grade them as the graders can’t check which version of the assignment was done if they can even remember them. So maybe make it so that the homework shows up with the class version at the time of its completion?


Forging should be easier on WoO US.

swiftlivvywox 1 year ago 0

So many people want to forge items but they never can because it is hard to. In my opinion, the option to forge an item is probably one of the most entertaining things on the site. But the fact that you need to have forging notes to even have a small chance at a successful forge and most of them that you get are scribbles, it makes me feel kind of hopeless when I want to forge something. That's all <3


Pretty Package Breaks Chat

Alana Rosemary 1 year ago 0

When a user with Pretty Package talks in chat it makes their message as undefined and gets longer the more they talk. 

Image 462


Rule Acknowledgement System

ajax 2 years ago updated by asher brooks 2 years ago 3

It would be nice for the site to give a simple pop-up before a user grades homework or utilizes chat/the forums so they are aware of the rules for each feature.

For instance, if someone wanted to grade homework, a little pop-up will appear that will re-direct them or show them the list of grading rules. In order to pass this pop-up, the user must press something like I Understand or I Agree before they are able to grade homework. This can help prevent users from grading assignments incorrectly.

This can also be extended towards topics and the chat. Similar to the homework pop-up, a link or list of rules will appear and the user will have to click to acknowledge it. This will provide users with direct access to the rules while also preventing users from stating they are unaware of certain rules when it comes to chatting and completing topics.

While I'm aware many people might treat this as a bit of a "Terms of Service," it may help reduce the amount of people claiming they were unaware of the existence of a rule when reminded. It can also help users who may skip over their welcoming message with direct and easy access to site regulations prior to their use.


View more / pages for "Your Gradings" tab

Isla Brisbane 2 years ago 0

"Your Gradings" tab is fine because I can see all my past gradings, but then it becomes a problem when the numbers of homework graded reach above 500 because not only it is harder to load, the scrolling is endless as well. Is it possible to make "view more" button or make pages to "Your Gradings" tab, like article boards?


Possibility to see the amount of readers / clicks on blog posts/articles

WoP SoMe 2 years ago 0

For all of the SoMe folks and journalists its really hard to figure out if people actually read the posts / articles. So if there was an opportunity to see the amount of views in admin, like we can see the amount of comments, that would be so awesome and maybe even somewhat of an motivator!


Change amount of X's

Marylin Collester 2 years ago 0

Sometimes the course of a topic changes compares to what you had originally planned. However, a change in the course may require more X's (the ones that describe/categorise the language of a given topic). Therefore, it would be convenient if the creator of the topic could change the amount of X's for a topic. Perhaps only changing the language to contain more X's and never fewer.


Date/Time and/or notifications of comments on articles

Laura 2 years ago updated by anonymous 2 years ago 4

Idea being: It would be good if we could either get notifications when someone comments on articles or have like the date/time on them from when people comment just from the aspect of playing games - being a cherry on WoN, there are weekly games posted by myself and others on my team so it would be good to know when people comment/make sure they haven't commented after the following weeks game has been posted


Folders for your wall

Aramis Auden 2 years ago 0

I think we should be able to separate specific things on our wall so then if we ever need to find something, we can easily just go to this folder to find it. I think the regular wall and everything in order going down is great, but I think if we want specific things to stand out (such as some topics could be one, and another could be wall posts that we made) it would be nicer if we could create a separate folder to showcase these topics instead of having them clustered at the top by pinning it. I feel like it would create more organization on our walls.