Your comments

And activity! Especially useful for BS team. To be able to see who logged in like 'less than a week' in 'two weeks' etc etc. I would SO LOVE that! :O

I'm not sure what exactly you mean. Classes open up on the week the WoX site is on currently, which are I believe mentioned in the guides.

Might work with holidays or events, holidays though usually follows the IRL traditions. Events on the other hand might be a little tricky. Because the Event/PLOT team works on them continously and I guess they don't know very advanced what comes next and when. But once it's fixed might be nice to have it on the front page.

You can see the top50 point earners on the House Point list, that includes all four houses as well.

I understand it might feel unfair if the homework you worked on also gets Outstanding as something which didn't show much effort. However judging homework by the length/word count for extra points is something I do not agree with. Length is generally not a requirement for homeworks. Some people might not have the capability to write 1000 word homeworks, that doesn't mean they do not put effort into it. Finding the answers to the questions already an effort made. 

And although I believe people would love to get extra points/money for their homework if they overdid it, that judged by the users could be an abused power. What the graders can do however is to praise the homework in their feedback which makes the user who wrote the homework feel better.

I can't really imagine how to make the assignment grading guide short without missing out important information (as mentioned above) and I feel like it would just overwhelm the grader if they also had to read the guide at the same time as the lesson. They already see the whole lesson and the homework. If there is uneccessarily too much text it will just discourage them to read everything and the homework could end up with inaccurate grades.

I haven't met with this problem yet, but it could be better posted as a bug?

As fun as it sounds specially as someone who lost pics many times before I think it would take up a lot of data of the site if it stored previous pictures/gifs of all user on site. :o

Although I understand your reasons. However I think it could be abused in some way. For example if more people use the same computer, and say they all have an account the computer would suggest the switching and people you do not want access to your account could log in as you and mess up things.

There is probably a small chance for that to happen as I guess most people have their own devices but it can still happen you log in on a different computer used by many and so then it could cause problems.

At least that is my opinion about it.

Maybe if this is combined with asking for the password in a pop up, so still only those who know that could actually log in. (As I saw that on FB for example.)

Can you elaborate how would you imagine this? Like (temporary) items or something else?