Your comments

From what I know, the adult staff gets paid 45 galleons for being staff, 45 for their job and 45 more if they rule the house board, plus the VIP, while the students only get 20 galleons. I think we are talking about a pretty big difference there. Also, we are not only focusing on the money or the rewards students get, but also on the recognition for the work they do. If they are not being recognized by other users, what's the big deal with giving them that small reward? 

As a student I give so much to WoP ES: I am part of the Quidditch team of my house, as well as the captain and member of the Duel team of my house too, I am a journalist in The Quibbler and a columnist in my house board. I do many things and I don't get the recognition I deserve, and that happens to most of my mates.


I don't know what kind of student job you have or what you exactly do, but I think students should get a bit more. I never said they should get the same as adults or more than them, but a bit more won't kill anybody. It's the opposite, people would be much more motivated if this was a system to give them recognition. Yes, maybe adults should get paid more because they can't grade homework and get galleons that way, but the VIP should be kind of a recognition for both adults and students on doing their jobs efficiently.