Your comments

This has now been completed.

Note: Only the teachers can see this, so the AT's should contact a teacher when they need to check a copy of homework.

There is a function now that shows you whether the grading already has started or not. When the checkmark next to your submitted homework is yellow, grading has started. We hope this comes close to your idea (:

First of all thank you for your feedback! Unfortunately this won't be possible now that we have the folders. But you can create folders for the different people and put the specific owls in there, or you can search the person and see all their owls.

Unfortunately this is not realistic, as there are no mermaids in the Harry Potter Universe, only the merpeople, which are some kind of best/animal.

We're afraid that's not possible, because there will be cases when the grade is not clear (e.g. 2 gradings say Outstanding, and 2 say Exceeded Expectations). And it wouldn't speed up the grading much..