Homework archive for AT's/teachers
If a student has submitted an assignment, and a week later, you get to grade that exact assignment from someone else, it would be handy to be able to prove that it has been copied. Therefore I would like to suggest a complete homework overview that AT's/teachers can see for their subject, including name and date on which it was made.
So this also means the homework that has been graded by students and didn't need any grading from an AT/teacher. Because sometimes, a student comes across a piece of copied homework which they have read before while grading, and then they give a Troll. But as an AT/teacher, if you haven't read the original assignment, it's not possible to find out whether it really has been copied or not!
With an overview, an AT/teacher could easily find assignments that have the same sentences in them (so a search option would be handy). This would really help bring some fairness into the site :)

This would be a great thing! (even if it is a lot of work) Because as I have heard, complete homework copies still fly around and unless the person makes a screenshot of everything it can hardly be proven.

Exactly! That method is impossible. We can't expect all users to do that! I know someone whose homework has been copied twice today, and there's no way that the AT/teacher can check it now. This might result in people who copy getting away easily.

Maybe homework could get deleted after being in the archive for 1,5-2 months, otherwise it might be a bit too much for the site. I recently came across copied homework, of which I saw the original assignment about a week ago, so it's possible for people to save assignments and then submit a copy (disgusting tbh), but I think 1,5-2 months should be okay? :)

this would be really helpful! Also, I'm a nosy git and I would love to read the assignments students make for my course, because now we just write lessons with 0 feedback.

That would solve this as well: http://feedback.worldofpotter.eu/forums/1-general/topics/576-teachers-able-to-see-how-many-people-make-their-assginments/#
Though I think that only the teachers should be allowed to see them, not the AT's too. When copying is involved, the teachers has to be informed anyways, so. Plus AT's are still making homework themselves, while teachers are not.

And this one:
a combination between all these together would be great

Yes! We really need this. I am a teacher on NL and we are having copied homework now and then, but we can't do a thing about it, because we can't see the other piece of copied work.

On WoP my teacher and I use a word document for the homework assignments which are send in by owl or end up in the admin section. So we do have some kind of archive, but I believe it’s up to the teacher wether or not he or she wants to record every homework assignment to prevent people copying each others work. Every new WoP Year we start a new word document.

I am an AT, and I really think this could be great, not only because of the copying, but also in the case of getting complaints about assignments you grade as an AT. If I don't personally save the assignment and feedback before submitting, there is no way for me to access it later to explain further.

I agree! I've recently came across someone plagiarizing my own work, which isn't so lucky for them because the original writer, me, happened to be grading their assignment. Fortunately, I recognized my own assignment, owled the Professor of the class, and had to copy and paste their assignment and then copy and paste my assignment, which has already been returned to me with feedbacks and gradings.
It's a long and complicated process, so I do definitely wish there's some way we can see who copied who. :)

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Note: Only the teachers can see this, so the AT's should contact a teacher when they need to check a copy of homework.
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This has now been completed.
Note: Only the teachers can see this, so the AT's should contact a teacher when they need to check a copy of homework.