
"Are you sure" - Button

April Jaymes 7 years ago updated by World of Potter 4 years ago 4 1 duplicate

Imagine, you're a teacher. You worked hours and hours to make your lessons perfect. Codes, assignments, exams. Everything is completely thought-trough and everything looks beautiful. On a peaceful day, you are just innocently scrolling trough your lessons, to look at your hard work and feel good about yourself, you just want to look at the description you made for a lesson, but then the horror comes. You misclick.

When you click on that red button, you're complete course is deleted. It's a nice button, but the fact that you won't get warned if you really want to delete your lessons brings a lot of danger to the button.

And for more buttons on Wo ... I would like to be an "Are you sure"-button

For example:

  • Trollmode
  • Articles
  • Clubbpages
  • It would just save a lot of sweat when wandering around your lessons / articles / club and a lot of tears when you accidentally missclick this button.

    Duplicates 1

    This button already exists for deleting courses, as far as I know! On WoMF, at least, so I assume WoP has it too :D Don't try it though because I'm not sure

    https://feedback.worldofpotter.eu/communities/1/topics/933-are-you-sure-button < This is already suggested here. Before you post an idea, make sure to check if it doesn't already exist! :)