Your comments

I meant nothing I said as a slight to you, or to imply that you weren't hardworking when it comes to any competitions. I apologize if it did. 

However, the competitons are all about fun. What makes the competitions fun is not only competing, but the prizes. There's more value, in my opinion, to winning something like the status than just obtaining it from an everyday quest. I just don't see the value in your points.

To get to Year 5, as per one of your conditions, is close to one year in real life which seems to be the time between status competitons. The status is accessable through a status competiton. There's no reason to try and make it more accessable, as it just dilutes having the status.  And yes, the site isn't supposed to religiously stick to all limitations set by the source material, but the reason status competitions happen once every year or so is because the status is meant to be rare. I might be misunderstanding, but I don't see the purpose in trying to make the status more accessable besides people just making it easier to obtain.

It's meant to be something hard to obtain, and it's different from the Cloak Quest. The cloak is a jokey sort of item, with limited usage. Unless you're asking for a one-time, jokey use as an animal on a wallpost, the animagus status is something that changes a character and has a huge impact on a character. It's very different from the intentions and purpose of a quest.

You says making it a quest is what is going to keep it harder to obtain, but it seems like the purpose is just so it’s easier to obtain for people who have trouble with the competitions. I understand wanting to win, but just because someone is unlucky I don’t think it should be made even more accessible when the system they have works. 

Yes, competitions don’t happen often and you might not be able to participate in one, but that’s just how it goes. I think the change would be incredibly unfair, especially if someone has won the status before. Not only would the status be incredibly obtainable by some people, it might become impossible for people to re-win the status.

Simply put, it’s fine how it is. It’s easily enough obtainable, and not impossible. It’s meant to be rare. The percentage of animagus’ statuses on site already far exceeds the percentage of animagus to non-animagus in the books. We’re already way past the realistic boundaries of the status. 

Personally disagree. Everyone already has a chance for the status, as an animgaus. And truthfully, I think the status competition gives people a better chance for the status than the conditions you've set. 

As someone who has won the status, I had to put work into obtaining the status. "Only a few will be it and they will only be it because they have out in a lot of effort and time." Only a few people are animagus, and it did take effort and time. 

I don't see how your way is much different, besides being harder and less available to obtain. 

Just to add onto the original comment, there are a lot of people who do have a lot of money. 

However, a lot of people spend money on pets. And a lot of people relied on interest, higher than 50 obols, to be able to feed pets. After this new update, a lot of people can't afford to keep pets fed and healthy. Without the money earned in interest, I'm not able to keep all of my pets fed and a lot of them are eventually going to run away. I know I can't feed them, so I'm not going to bother because I just don't have the money anymore. So I hope the max cap. on interest is raised, because the pet system doesn't work for a lot of people with this new interest system.

I don't think people would just put them in there as something lazy, just to be able to get cuddles, but I see it does get annoying when people do 

A. Spam chats asking for cuddles

B. Spend money to make cuddle clubs that go inactive

C. Keep up a happy streak on a pet only to watch it fail if they kennel it. 

Maybe it could be worked out to something else, such as your pet can get cuddled if you WANT while in the kennel, like a feature, but it costs 2 galleon more every day or every time a person cuddles it takes a galleon or something.

I don't think the WAY you insert it/put it should give you more or less points. With the question you proposed above with Barty Crouch, I see it as Barty Crouch and Barty Crouch jr. are still the same answer, just one with more titles attached. I know Barty Crouch could stand for Barty Crouch sr. which does make it a weird example, but I'm using it here as if Barty Crouch Sr. dosent exist. 

I think something that could help this, is maybe a capital detection feature. So, like, how you can't do /me or /sing before you unlock the feature, maybe something where you can't go over 5-7 or whatever caps, a feature that comes on when Trollmode is on!

This is useful to everyone who dosent know where the large shovel is!

I forgot people had to pay for their clubs nowadays, that does now seem unfair. I'll have to rethink this now, because some clubs need a way to be managed. I am trying to think maybe something like a reporting club buttons? It can only be used for a valid reason against a club.

Reporting a club because it breaks the rules of WoP: Accepted

Reporting a club because they didnt accept you: Not accepted/punished