Your comments

You can know the exact date of registration without going on the profile page: on the Marauder's Map (or the user list), put the cursor on "a day ago" and you will see the exact date in a small black box above.

I would say even more !

I am currently an assistant teacher of Charms and I recognize that the feedback is too small. As an AT, I strive to make constructive comments that help the student improve, but this entry space is not practical at all.

To be able to have an overview of my comment, I have to use external word processing software (like Word or LibreOffice). And it's annoying because the copy and past can bug on WoP. In this case, the comment is not record.

If you could make the placeholder bigger or give it a size that automatically adjusts to the length of the post (like owls for example), that would help a lot.