Your comments

You technically can’t become a Jedi after you are too old. Yet you can start at age 18 as one with no skill level, or any of the other sites that have the same design  but in the canon wouldn’t allow for such a range.

The point of the site is to RP in the Harry Potter Universe. Imposing a limit that must be purchased to change is not due to authenticity.

That is why I agree with the idea mentioned in the feedback. Which, to be fair, the feedback Itself is just discussion, but not declined.

It’s good you like the site, but it is simply a way to increase funds from users who want to skip to being graduated.

Does it matter what the status is to make an unnecessary and a potentially misinterpreted sarcastic joke? Best to have some decorum. Maybe don’t joke if the post has been resolved and what you say has no bearing but to jab.

perhaps it’s best to leave jokes in their place rather than on feedback for improvements.

I like the idea of having a range for ages at account creation.