Your comments

Hello, this should be fixed :) But the potion needs to be sent as a hidden object/mystery potion for it to work.

Hello, if you're talking about an option to close the pop-up that tells you you need to buy VIP to access the chat on mobile, the point is that only VIP allows you to use the chat on mobile (which is explained on the page itself). Hence why there's no "x" and why you can't close it. If you wish to use the chat, you can freely access it on any laptop or you can pay for a VIP account to have access to it on the go!


Nous ne bannissons pas pour "une simple chose". Si tu as été banni du site, c'est parce que tu as gravement manqué de respect à nos règles, de façon répétée. Elles sont les mêmes pour tout le monde, que cela plaise ou pas. Nous sommes très tolérants mais il y a des limites à ne pas dépasser, et si tu as été banni, c'est que tu les as dépassées.


Tara Milane, Ministre de la Magie de WoP FR



We don't just "ban like that". if you've been banned from our site, it means you have seriously failed to comply to the rules, multiple times. The rules are the same for everyone, whether users like it or not. We are very tolerant and patient, however, there are red lines you can't cross. If you have been banned, then you've crossed them.


Tara Milane, Minister of Magic on WoP FR

You can already do it! VIPs get one free name change and if you want more or don't have a VIP account, you have the option to pay to do it.