Your comments

We agree to Kayte/Angela and think that you can always owl them or write on their wall to give feedback/comments. A seperate comment section could easily get messy and very long. 

Is this still an issue? 

You can always give your people into the pet care when you can't log in. There you pet will be taken care off, and when you come back you can take it home again. 

Like in your other post on here, please ask you plot leader for ideas in that direction. If you have something specific in mind you can also suggest that idea to them, maybe it will become a storyline/event on your site (:

We suggest talking to you plot leader about this. They and their team are responsibe for things like this, creating storylines and events which can also contain "bad" wizards (:

To ensure the safety of children or young teenagers, our sites are only for people with the age of 13 or older. We are very sorry that you are too young to enjoy WorldofPotter at the moment, but we do hope that you will come back when you are old enough. The site will be there waiting for you!