
Marv Potter´s Wettstube // Sportwetten

Marv Potter 8 years ago updated by World of Potter 7 years ago 5

Bevor ich zu meiner Idee komme, würde ich gerne sagen dass diese Seite einfach der Hammer ist!


Meine Idee wäre ein Wettbüro zu eröffnen oder einfach die Möglichkeit zu bieten zu wetten wenn zum Beispiel quidditch ist. So wie Sportwetten mit Quoten, man setzt halt Geld auf seine Lieblingsmannschaft. 
Ich würde sogar bereit sein diese Idee umzusetzen. Marv Potter's Wettstube! :)
Magische Grüße 
Marv Potter



DE already has something like that in the quibbler now (:
For other sites it would be a nice idea for the newspapers too.

Hey there, please remember that all feedback ideas should be written in English ^^ Could you give us a translation?


ouhh I didn't know about that sorry:S

So my idea is basically a possibility for the user to bet on their favorite Quidditch team or like do some sport bets. I would volunteer myself to administrate this. I already see it in front of me.. "Marv Potter's bet office" 

Kind regards 

Marv Potter


Oooh yes I love this idea! I really do, it would add such a nice touch ^^ I recommend submitting it in English too so people won't automatically skip over it ^^

oh I'm glad that you like it^^ so how is this going down now? 


DE already has something like that in the quibbler now (:
For other sites it would be a nice idea for the newspapers too.