
Minimum age for characters to date

wolfjeblack 5 months ago updated by Vita Auden 5 months ago 1

It has come to my eyes way too many times that characters from the age of 8 - 11 are dating on site (example. World of Olympians). In my humble opinion this is not real and not right. Kids from 8 to 11 aren't thinking about dating or kissing and so on. Kids that age think about being children, having fun, exploring the world and so on. Besides these are not appropriate behavior for such ages. It's not okay and even creepy. I understand it is a fictional site with fictional characters but still shouldn't be right that in that age range characters are dating etc.

I've thought for a long time if sharing this idea but since it is happening too much I'm not gonna keep quiet. I'm suggesting a minimum age for characters to date which should be around 13/14 since that is a more appropriate age and the time teenagers would start exploring and discovering relations and so on.


Some sites do have that mentioned in the rules, so take a talk with the specific site leader.